Ad Size (WxH) 1x Rate 4x Rate
Full Page (8½x11) $300 $250
¾ Page (7½x5½”) $200 $175
½ Page Horizontal (7½”x4¾”) $150 $125
½ Page Vertical (3½”x9½”) $150 $125
¼ page (3½”x4¾”) $85 $75
Business Card (3½”x2”) $65 $55
PLEASE NOTE: if the artwork you provide does not conform to the above
specifications, we reserve the right to alter the ad to fit these dimensions.
CALSPro Newsletter &
e-NEWS Advertising
Policies and Agreement
to Advertise
CALSPro Headquarters
2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 150 • Sacramento, CA 95833
(916) 239-4065 - phone • (916) 924-7323 - fax
To place an ad, complete the information below and email to:
CALSPro will not run your ad without this contract.
Name of Company/Organization Being Advertised: __________________________________________________________
Billing Contact: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ____________________________ E-mail:________________________________
Agency or Advertising Representative (if different from above): _________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________ E-mail:________________________________
Person to Contact with Artwork-specific Questions (if different from above): ______________________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ____________________________ E -mail:________________________________
I agree to place a _______size ad in the following issue(s), and to be billed at a rate of $___________per issue:
(note: The multiple-issue rate can apply to any consecutive series of issues starting at any point in the year. If you choose the multi-
issue rate, please number your first issue “#1” below, and the other issues as they occur chronologically. See condition #5, above.)
Material Deadlines:
Unless otherwise stated, ads for this publication may be Black
& White (“Grayscale”) only.
1. Advertisers and advertising agencies are liable for all content (including text,
representations, and illustrations) of advertisements and are responsible,
without limitation, for any and all claims made thereof against the
CALSPro Newsletter, the association, its ocers, agents, or vendors.
2. No advertiser is guaranteed placement, but every attempt will be made
to provide the desired position.
3. Publisher reserves the right to revise, reject or omit any advertisement at
any time without notice.
4. CALSPro accepts no liability for its failure, for any cause, to insert
5. Publisher reserves the right to publish materials from a previous
advertisement if new materials are not received by material deadline.
6. The word “advertisement” will appear on any ad that resembles editorial
7. Drawings, artwork and articles for reproduction are accepted only at the
advertiser’s risk and should be clearly marked to facilitate return.
8. No verbal agreement altering the rates and/or terms of this rate card shall
be recognized.
9. All advertisements, layout and designs produced for the advertiser by
CALSPro’s Graphic Sta will remain the property of CALSPro.
10. All requests for advertising must be in writing, in the form of this signed
contract, for the protection of both the advertiser and CALSPro.
11. Once an order for advertising is placed, it cannot be withdrawn or cancelled
in whole or in part.
12. By signing this contract, advertiser agrees to pay in full for reserved space,
even if the ad is not run due to lateness or absence of materials.
Please submit ads digitally where possible (PC format, not
Mac) either on CD, zip disk, oppy disk, or via E-mail. S uch
electronic submissions should be in EPS, TIF, or PDF format,
including all fonts where applicable, and should be compatible
with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, InDesign, or
Acrobat. We will also accept camera-ready (printed) full-sized
images suitable for scanning, at either 133 or 150 line screen.
Please see above for specific ad sizes and dimensions. Artwork
should be E-mailed to “Advertising c/o CALSPro at
kelly@ or mailed to:
Advertising c/o CALSPro
2520 Venture Oaks Way
Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95833
I will be submitting my ad:
Camera-ready by mail
Digitally on disc
Via E-mail
I need assistance designing a new
ad (design rates are charged seperately)
Advertisers should send payment with ad contract. A frequency
discount is given to those who agree in writing (ie. this signed contract)
to advertise in every issue of the calendar year, or in an equal number
of consecutive issues. If the written agreement is not fullled, the
advertiser is liable for the one-time rate charges. Advertisers who
submit an ad contract but fail to submit artwork by the publication
deadline will be invoiced.
Please select one
Check Enclosed - Payable to CALSPro: Check Number:
Please email an electronic invoice (include 2.5% credit card processing fee)
Signature: Date:
(rev. 12/2020)