Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691087b 1 01.21.20
BACnet PIC Statement for myRoom Virtual Devices Using Version 3.3
ASHRAE’s BACnet® Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
Date: January 21, 2020
Vendor Name: Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
Product Name: myRoom BACnet Integration
Applications Software Version: 2.0
Firmware Revision: 3.3
BACnet Protocol Revision: 4
Vendor ID: 176
Product Description
BACnet IP is embedded in the myRoom processor. There are two types of BACnet devices available in myRoom:
subsystem devices and area devices. The subsystem devices are main BACnet devices; typically, one main device
per guestroom of the building. The area devices are virtual BACnet devices of the subsystem device, typically one
per guestroom of the building. It is normal to have multiple subsystem main devices and area virtual devices
in a project.
BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported (Annex K):
K.1.2 BIBB Data Sharing ReadProperty-B (DS-RP-B)
K .1.4 B I BB Data Sharing ReadPropertyMultiple-B (DS-RPM-B)
K .1.8 B I B B Data Sharing WriteProperty-B (DS-WP-B)
K .1.10 B IBB Data Sharing WritePropertyMultiple-B (DS-WPM-B)
K .1.12 BIBB Data Sharing COV-B (DS-COV-B)
K.5.2 BIBB Device Management DynamicDeviceBinding-B (DM-DDB-B)
K.5.4 BIBB Device Management DynamicObjectBinding-B (DM-DOB-B)
K.5.6 BIBB Device Management DeviceCommunicationControl-B (DM-DCC-B)
BACnet Standardized Device Profile (Annex L):
BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC)
Segmentation Capability:
Segmented requests supported? No. Window Size: n/a
Segmented responses supported? No. Window Size: n/a
Non-Standard Application Services:
Non-standard application services are not supported.
Certain BACnet objects and values that are not supported by the myRoom system may show up in the BACnet
terminal. Those should not be used. Only the BACnet objects and values mentioned in this document should be
BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test
products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to the
requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of BACnet International (BI).
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691087b 2 01.21.20
BACnet PIC Statement for myRoom Virtual Devices Using Version 3.3
Standard Object Types Supported:
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: Active_COV_Subscriptions, Description, Location, Profile_Name.
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: None.
Analog Value
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: COV_Increment (See Table for objects that support this property).
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: See Table.
Binary Value
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: Active_Text, Inactive_Text.
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: See Table.
Multi-State Value
1. Dynamically creatable using BACnet CreateObject service? No.
2. Dynamically deletable using BACnet DeleteObject service? No.
3. List of optional properties supported: State_Text.
4. List of all properties that are writable where not otherwise required by this standard: None.
5. List of proprietary properties: None.
6. List of any property value range restrictions: See Table.
Data Link Layer Options:
Other: These devices are virtual devices and are represented by a six octet address equal to the 48-bit device
instance of the virtual device.
Device Address Binding:
Is static device binding supported? No.
Networking Options:
BACnet / IP Annex J non-BBMD functionality; the myRoom processor is able to register as a foreign device. The
myRoom processor is able to initiate original-broadcast-NPDU.
Character Sets Supported:
Indicating support for multiple character sets does not imply that they can all be supported simultaneously.
ANSI X3.4.
BACnet Routing:
The myRoom processor is a BACnet router. All of the virtual area devices are routed through the main subsystem
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691087b 3 01.21.20
BACnet PIC Statement for myRoom Virtual Devices Using Version 3.3
Object Name Type Instance Read Write COV Units Min PV Max PV
Text (0)
Text (1)
State Text (Multi-State)
DEVICE {Base} +
+ 1
Notes: The Area Name is the logical name that typically corresponds to a physical location in a building. The Instance is the same as the
unique Device ID assigned to each area.
Lighting Level AV 2 X X X % 0 100
Notes: The intensity level of all lighting fixtures in the area. The lighting level will be an analog value between 0% and 100%. If the lighting
fixtures in the area are at different light levels, this value will be set to the level of the highest intensity in that area. Does not include
RF zones.
Lighting State BV 3 X X X 0 1 Off On
Notes: The lighting state will be ON if any of the lighting fixtures in the area are in the On state; if all lighting fixtures are off, the lighting
state will be set to OFF.
Lighting Scene MSV 4 X X X 1 Number
of scenes
for this
Notes: The lighting preset to which the lighting fixtures in that area are currently set. If the value is set to 1, the Off Scene will be selected,
which will turn all lights to OFF. All other scenes are defined within the Lutron system configuration software. If lights are currently
not set to a valid lighting scene, then the value will be set to an unknown preset level.
Occupancy State MSV 8 X X 1 4 1 = Unoccupied
2 = Occupied
4 = Unknown
Notes: A read-only property that indicates the occupancy of physical sensors in a guestroom area. Occupied means that at least one sensor
in the area is indicating Occupancy. Unoccupied means that all of the sensors in the area are indicating Unoccupied. Unknown means
that not all of the sensors in the area have reported their status. The myRoom system uses Guest Presence Detection (GPD) to
determine the overall occupancy of the guest room and reports this via a state variable. See the myRoom main device BACnet PIC
statement (P/N 3691088 at www.lutron.com) for details.
Number of Lamp
AV 15 X X 0 none
Notes: For all digitally-controlled EcoSystem or DALI® fluorescent ballasts and LED drivers controlled by a DIN power module, the number of
ballasts with lamp failures in the area will be displayed. If the value is 0, there are no lamp failures for the area.
Number of Devices
Not Responding
AV 16 X X 0 none
Notes: For any QS device, EcoSystem or DALI® digital fluorescent ballast or LED drivers controlled by a DIN power module, the number of
devices that are programmed into the system but are not responding will be displayed. If the value is 0, there are no device failures
for the area.
Total Lighting
AV 18 X X watts 0 none
Notes: A calculated value that indicates the total instantaneous power consumption for all of the lighting loads in the area.
Maximum Lighting
AV 19 X X watts 0 none
Notes: The maximum connected lighting load of the area. This value is the maximum value that Total Power can achieve. Maximum Power
minus Total Power equals the power being saved. Typically, this value does not change.
AV = Analog Value, BV = Binary Value, MSV = Multi-State Value
{AreaName} is a text string defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software
{Instance} is a number defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software that is equal to the {Base} number + {System} number +1
{Base} is a 22-bit value set in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software (default 1760000)
{System} is an 8-bit value set in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software (0 to 127)
{SceneName} is a text string of the name of each scene that is defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software
PV = Present Value
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691087b 4 01.21.20
BACnet PIC Statement for myRoom Virtual Devices Using Version 3.3
Object Name Type Instance Read Write COV Units Min PV Max PV
Text (0)
Text (1)
State Text (Multi-State)
Number of Wireless
Input Device
AV 23 X X none
Notes: If a wireless input (e.g., occupancy sensor) that is connected to the system is no longer communicating with the Lutron system, the
device output will be greater than 0. The value will be equal to the number of failures in the area. This could be because of battery
failure, the device being out of range of the QSM, or device failure. If the value equals 0, all wireless inputs in the area are reporting
{ZoneName} Level AV 1000 to
X X X % 0 100
Notes: The light level intensity of a specific zone of lighting within an area. The light level will be an analog value between 0% and 100%.
There can be multiple lighting zones defined within each area. Each lighting fixture in the area will be assigned to one, and only one,
lighting zone. Each will have a unique instance ID from 1000 to 1999. RF zone controls are not included.
AV 2000 to
X X X % 0 100
Notes: The shade level of a specific shade group of Lutron Sivoia QS shades within an area. The shade level will be an analog value between
0% and 100%. 100% equals fully open; 0% equals fully closed. There can be multiple shade groups within each area; each group will
have a unique instance ID from 2000 to 2999.
MSV 3000 to
X X X 1 34 {PresetName}
Notes: Displays to which shade preset the shade motors of each shade group in an area are currently set.
The values correspond to:
1 = Open; 2–30 = User programmable presets; 31 = Closed; 32–33 = Not used
34 = Undefined (Shade levels do not match any presets)
MSV 5000 to
X X X 1 3 1 = Stop
2 = Open
3 = Close
Notes: Displays the current state of a 3-wire motor output within a specific area. If the value is set to 1, the output will be in the Stopped
state (both relays open). If the value is set to 2, the output will be Opening (open relay active). If the value is set to 3, the output will
be Closing (close relay active).
AV 7100 X X X Degrees
0 100
Notes: The temperature currently measured in the HVAC zone of this area. Temperature caps at the limit of the range, in degrees Celsius.
This value will be read-only if the equipment is connected over the thermostat’s modbus link. This value will be write-only if the
equipment is connected over BACnet. The thermostat in that case will not provide zone temperature. The equipment needs to
provide that.
AV 7103 X X X Degrees
32 212
Notes: The temperature currently measured in the HVAC zone of this area. Temperature caps at the limit of the range, in degrees Fahrenheit.
This value will be read-only if the equipment is connected over the thermostat’s modbus link. This value will be write-only if the
equipment is connected over BACnet. The thermostat in that case will not provide zone temperature. The equipment needs to
provide that.
Operating Mode
MSV 7106 X X X 1 8 1 = Off/Protect
4 = Auto
256 = Unknown
Notes: The operating mode currently commanded in the HVAC zone. This is the mode in which the user wants their HVAC system to run.
See Operating State for actual reported stage information.
Mixed is a read-only state.
AV = Analog Value, BV = Binary Value, MSV = Multi-State Value
fc = foot candles
{3-WireMotorZoneName} is a text string defined in the Lutron system configuration software
{PartitionWallName} is a text string defined in the Lutron system configuration software
{HVACZoneName} is a text string defined in the Lutron system configuration software. Only one HVAC zone per Area Virtual Device is supported.
{ZoneName} is a text string defined in the Lutron system configuration software
{ShadeGroupName} is a text string defined in the Lutron system configuration software
{PresetName} is a text string defined in the Lutron system configuration software
PV = Present Value
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691087b 5 01.21.20
BACnet PIC Statement for myRoom Virtual Devices Using Version 3.3
Object Name Type Instance Read Write COV Units Min PV Max PV
Text (0)
Text (1)
State Text (Multi-State)
Operating State
MSV 7107 X X X 1 10 1 = None, Heat Last
2 = Heat 1
3 = Heat 1+2
4 = Heat 1+2+3
5 = Heat 3
6 = None, Cool Last
7 = Cool 1
8 = Cool 1+2
9 = Off
10 = Emergency Heat
11 = Dry
256 = Unknown
Notes: The stage information currently reported for the HVAC zone and its unit. See Operating Mode for commanded mode. This value will
be read-only if the equipment is connected over the thermostat’s modbus link. This value will be write-only if the equipment is
connected over BACnet. This value needs to be reported to get energy reports in myRoom Vue.
Fan Mode
MSV 7108 X X X 1 8 1 = Auto
4 = No Fan
5 = High
6 = Medium
7 = Low
256 = Unknown
Notes: The fan operating mode currently commanded in the HVAC zone. See Fan State for actual reported stage information.
Fan State
MSV 7109 X X X 1 5 1 = Unknown
2 = Off
3 = High/On
4 = Medium
5 = Low
256 = Unknown
Notes: The speed information currently reported for the HVAC fan zone and its fan unit. See Fan Mode for commanded mode. This value will
be read-only if the equipment is connected over the thermostat’s modbus link. This value will be write-only if the equipment is
connected over BACnet. This value needs to be reported to get energy reports in myRoom Vue.
HVAC Fault Status
MSV 7111 X X X 1 3 1 = Unknown
2 = Generic Fault(s)
3 = No Fault
Notes: If you receive a fault, please work with the HVAC vendor to understand the fault within the HVAC system.
HVAC Power
AV 7113 X X watts 0 none
Notes: A read-only, calculated value which indicates the instantaneous power consumption of this HVAC zone in watts.
Single Setpoint
AV 7114 X X X Degrees
0 100
Single Setpoint
AV 7115 X X X Degrees
32 212
Negative Drift
AV 7116 X X X Degrees
0 8
Positive Drift
AV 7117 X X X Degrees
0 8
AV = Analog Value, BV = Binary Value, MSV = Multi-State Value
{HVACZoneName} is a text string defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software. Only one HVAC zone per Area Virtual Device is supported.
{KeypadName} is a text string defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software
PV = Present Value
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
3691087b 6 01.21.20
BACnet PIC Statement for myRoom Virtual Devices Using Version 3.3
Object Name Type Instance Read Write COV Units Min PV Max PV
Text (0)
Text (1)
State Text (Multi-State)
Negative Drift
AV 7118 X X X Degrees
0 15
Positive Drift
AV 7119 X X X Degrees
0 15
AV 7300 to
X X X Degrees
-17 121
Notes: This is the optional supply air temperature sensor that can be wired to the FCU controller for monitoring the supply air temperature.
This is not the temperature sensor on the thermostat.
AV 7400 to
X X X Degrees
2 250
Notes: This is the optional supply air temperature sensor that can be wired to the FCU controller for monitoring the supply air temperature.
This is not the temperature sensor on the thermostat.
BV 8000 to
X X X 0 1 Disabled Enabled
Notes: When set to Enabled, the selected keypad will work as programmed. When set to Disabled, the selected keypad will have no effect on
the system.
AV = Analog Value, BV = Binary Value, MSV = Multi-State Value
{HVACZoneName} is a text string defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software. Only one HVAC zone per Area Virtual Device is supported.
{KeypadName} is a text string defined in the Lutron myRoom system configuration software
PV = Present Value
)Lutron, Lutron, EcoSystem, myRoom, and Sivoia are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. in the US and/or other countries.
All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.