2020-2021 Unusual Enrollment History Form
Your 2020-2021 FAFSA has been flagged for “Unusual Enrollment History Review” by the U.S. Department of Education
because you received Federal Pell Grant funds at multiple education institutions during the review period 2015-16, 2016-
17, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and/or 2019-2020. This flag requires Snead State Community College to review your
enrollment history and determine whether or not you are enrolling only long enough to receive federal student aid. In the
process of reviewing your enrollment history, Snead State Community College will check the National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS) to obtain a complete history including the name of institutions you have attended and the dates of
attendance. If you have questions, contact us promptly so your financial aid will not be delayed.
Student Information:
Student Name (Print)___________________________________ Student ID Number______________________________________
Date of Birth _____________________________________________Phone Number___________________________________________
Snead State Email Address________________________________________@students.snead.edu
Colleges or universities attended:
Please list all institutions (including Snead State Community College) attended during your academic career. If a
transcript from a listed institution has not previously been submitted to the Enrollment Services Office, please
attach an official academic transcript. Additionally, if the transcripts indicate course withdrawal or if college
credit was not earned, a narrative should be attached detailing the circumstances that prevented academic
progress. All supporting documentation (i.e. medical bills, hospitalization records, accident reports) should be
included. Please include your Snead State student number at the top of each submitted page. Your application for
financial aid will not be considered until a completed form and all required documentation is submitted to
the Financial Aid Office.
Name of College or University
Types of aid received (Pell Grant, Loans)
Certification and Signatures:
Your signature certifies that all of the information reported on this worksheet is complete and accurate.
_____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Student Signature Date
WARNING: If false information is purposely provided on this worksheet, you may be fined, sentenced to jail, or both. You may also be
subject to disciplinary action by the College.
This form and any other required documents can be faxed to the Financial Aid Office at 256-593-7180, mailed to Snead State Community
College ATTN Financial Aid Office PO Box 734 Boaz, AL 35957, or delivered in person to the Financial Aid Office located in room 106 of the
Bevill Center.
Non-Discrimination Statement: Snead State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its
programs or activities.