Snead State Community College
Transcript Request Form
P.O. Box 734 ∙ Boaz, AL 35957 ∙ (256) 593-5120 ∙ studentservices@snead.edu
Attention Student: Send this form to your previous college(s) and/or high school to request that
your official transcript(s) be sent directly to Snead State Community College. Students must request
official transcripts from all previous colleges attended. If you have attended an accredited college, it
is not necessary to request your high school or GED transcript.
Notes: You must sign this form. Many schools charge a fee for releasing transcripts. Please contact your high school or
college before mailing this request form to determine if a fee needs to accompany this form.
TO: Records Office
(Name of High School or College)
(Address) (City) (State) (Zip)
Please send my official transcript to Snead State Community College. Official transcripts may be
mailed or sent electronically via EScripts. Transcripts may not be faxed or emailed.
Mail Transcript To:
Snead State Community College
Office of Admissions
P.O. Box 734
Boaz, AL 35957
NAME ______________________________________________ SSN ___________________________
NAME USED WHEN ATTENDING INSTITUTION _____________________________________________
BIRTH DATE _______________________________ GRADUATION DATE ________________________
DATES ATTENDED ____________________________________________________________________
CURRENT ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________
STUDENT SIGNATURE __________________________________________ DATE _________________