State-Required Form
Student Name ___________________________________________________________ Grade ___________ Date ______________
Name of District Personnel Completing Form ________________________________ Position _____________________________
If the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee has previously determined that a student meets the eligibility
criteria for STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate and the student is being considered for a No Authentic Academic
Response (NAAR) designation, the ARD committee must discuss the eligibility criteria below. The answer to at least one of
the two NAAR Eligibility Criteria questions listed below must be YES. Additionally the ARD committee must discuss the two
assurances. Both assurances must be initialed by district personnel in order for the student to receive a NAAR designation.
Students qualifying for NAAR will not be required to participate in the administration of STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS
Alternate for any course, subject, or domain. A score code of ‘N’ must be recorded for all tests the student would have
No Authentic Academic Response Eligibility Criteria
Yes or No
Because of multiple impairments, the student is unable to receive information during instruction and
assessment. For example, the student may have a combination of visual, auditory, and/or tactile
Yes / No
The student is consistently unable to provide an authentic academic response during instruction. His
or her behavior may be described by one or more of the following characterizations:
• The student is unable to demonstrate a meaningful, observable reaction to a specific
• The student exhibits only startle responses.
• The student tracks or fixates on objects at random and not for a purpose.
• The student moves or responds only to internal stimuli.
• The student vocalizes intermittently regardless of changes in environment around him/her.
Yes / No
Discuss and Initial Assurances
If the response of the student is described by at least one of the eligibility criteria, the ARD committee, in conjunction with
LPAC as necessary, must discuss the following assurances. Both assurances must be initialed by district personnel for the
student to be eligible for the alternate assessment NAAR designation. The ARD committee must ensure the NAAR
designation is documented in the student’s individualized education program (IEP), this form must be included in the IEP,
and necessary personnel must have a record of the testing decision.
The student is unable to receive information during instruction and assessment and/or the student is unable to
provide an authentic academic response.
The NAAR designation is based on educational records and describes the student in all settings.
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