• A sole proprietorship, including qualified joint ventures, must submit evidence that the assumed name is
registered with the county clerk in each county in which a business office is or will be maintained.
Foreign Entities (Entities other than Sole Proprietorships and General Partnerships formed Outside of Texas)
• In addition to the above, an Application for Registration must be filed with the Texas Secretary of State when
the entity will be transacting business in Texas.
Other Ownership Types (Contact Career Schools and Colleges at (512) 936-3100 or career.schools@twc.state.tx.us
for further instructions).
Approval Required
• Certain types of schools are prohibited from using the words “college,” “university,” “seminary,” “school of
medicine,” “medical school,” “health science center,” “school of law,” “law school,” and law center” in the
official school or corporate name.
Prohibited Words
• Certain words are prohibited, such as “certification,” “certified,” “registered,” or “licensed,” because they
might lead students to believe that they will be certified, licensed, and so on, upon completion of training.
• If you plan to offer an associate degree program, you must obtain approval
• If you wish to use any of these words in the school, corporate name, or offer associate degree programs you
must first obtain approval from the: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, P.O. Box 12788, Austin,
TX 78711 (512) 427-6101.
Prepare a catalog.
• Follow the Guide to Catalog and Supplements (CSC-001X) and the Index to Catalog and Supplements (CSC-
001Y) to prepare the draft of your catalog. A sample catalog (CSC- 001XSAM) is available on the Career
Schools and Colleges website. CSC-001XOUT is a fillable catalog template with sample policies that can be
copied for cancellations, refunds, satisfactory progress, academic probation, attendance, leave of absence, and
make-up work. Remove “Texas Workforce Commission and CSC form numbers. Update all revision dates.
Enrollment Agreement
• The Enrollment Agreement Checklist (CSC-190) and the Student Enrollment Agreement Sample—
Editable Template (CSC-190SAM) will guide you in the development of your enrollment agreement.
• Agreement Exception: A school does not need an enrollment agreement for a seminar that will be completed
within three consecutive calendar days.
• Approval Required: Do not print multiple copies of your catalog and enrollment agreement until the draft
has been approved by the TWC program specialist.
Representatives (excluding a sole proprietorship or a general partner)
• Submit a Representative Registration Application (CSC-014) for each representative. Any individual
employed to recruit students must be registered as a representative.
• If the school is owned by a sole proprietor (individual) or a partnership, the individual or partners are
not required to register as representatives.
• All representatives (those who recruit or admit students to a career school or college) are required to take
an approved training. For information, visit the Career Schools and Colleges website.
Applicants using the New Course of Instruction—Application
• Follow the directions in the New Course of Instruction—Application (CSC-302COI) for each program or
seminar your school will offer. A sample new program application (CSC-001XSAM) is available.
• New program is a course of instruction that:
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