Hanover County
Procedure for Tower Site Co-Location
The following procedure shall be used for consideration of any request for co-location
of equipment on a County facility by a private company.
1) The applicant shall obtain and complete a Hanover County Tower Co-Location
Application Form, which shall include, but not be limited to the following information:
a. The name and address of the person and company/firm making the request.
b. The name of the company that desires to co-locate equipment on the County
c. The GPIN and address of the Hanover County tower site proposed for the colocation.
d. The reason for the use of that particular facility.
e. The proposed frequency band of the equipment and a description of the
f. The type of antenna to be used and the requested antenna height.
g. The proposed time line for the project.
h. A preliminary site design drawing, including any features to be added to the
facility or the site of the facility.
i. A description of any additional utilities, structures or equipment required at
the site.
j. The name, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and mailing
address of the contact person.
2) After the application has been submitted to the Department of Emergency
Communications, the applicant shall:
a. Perform a structural analysis on the facility, analyzing the effect of the
proposed additional equipment, and provide the results and a complete
written report prepared by a qualified professional, to the County.
b. Perform an inter-modulation study to assess potential interference issues in
relation to the County’s Public Safety Communications System or any other
equipment that may be located on the facility, and provide the results and a
complete written report prepared by a qualified professional, to the County.
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HCEC 9/1/11