Department of Livability & Tourism
75 Calhoun Street, Suite 3400
Charleston, SC 29401
phone: 843.724.7395
fax: 843.579.7673
Please note that permits are not guaranteed until the application and fee have been received and
reviewed by the office of Livability and Tourism. Permits are not mailed and may be picked up at the
bus shed adjacent to the Visitor Reception and Transportation Center, 375 Meeting Street or at the
office at 75 Calhoun Street, Suite 3400. The bus shed is open 7 days a week from 8:30am-5:00pm.
Instructions To submit form online, complete application and credit authorization form and then
click submit application. You may also print this form and mail with a check or money order to the 75
Calhoun Street, Suite 3400. Please make checks payable to: City of Charleston
*All cancelations received in writing by mail, email or fax 843.579.7673 ten days prior to the tour will
receive a full refund.
Applicant Hereby Requests: Touring Permit Parking Permit Transportation Permit
Date of Application: _____
Name of Tour Group/Company: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Contact email: __________________________________________________________________________________
Number of Vehicles: __________ Name of Bus Company: ___________________________________________
_____# of Touring Permits Requested$14.00 per tour per vehicle (includes parking fee for same day)
Date of Tour:______________ # of people:_________ Hours of Tour: ___________________________________
Date of Tour:______________ # of people:_________ Hours of Tour: ___________________________________
Local (City of Charleston licensed) guide giving tour: ______________________________________________
Guide Contact Info: ____________________________________ Guide License Number: _________________
Tour Guide is responsible for picking up the tour permit and removing it from the bus at the
completion of the tour. Tour Guide is responsible for reporting the number of passengers on each tour
to the Department of Livability and Tourism and for remitting tour tax to the office of Revenue
Collections monthly.
Print Form
Reset Form
Submit Via E-mail
For Permit Personnel Only:
Receipt #:________________________ Permit #:______________________In Database Yes No
_____# of Parking Permits Requested
Please see Touring Historic Charleston Bus map for approved parking and loading/unloading for
large buses. Please note that that when a cruise ship is in port availability of parking on Concord is
Date: _____________ Time:_________________
Date: _____________ Time:_________________
Date: _____________ Time:_________________
_____# of Transportation Permits Requested No Charge
Charleston’s Historic Districts have many narrow streets which do not accommodate large buses
easily. Loading/unloading spaces are limited in this area as well. We ask for your travel information
so that we can guide you to the best streets for travel and loading/unloading.
Date: _____________________________________
Itinerary including times, destinations and loading/unloading needs:
Itinerary including times, destinations and loading/unloading needs: