C. NPDES coverage under SCR100000 will be issued to the Project Owner/ Operator. If an email address is entered,
the Department may contact the Project Owner/Operator via email.
D. The Project Owner/Operator is responsible for all portions of the site until a Notice of Termination (NOT) or
Transfer of Ownership form is submitted. See our website for additional information on NOTs and transfers of
permit coverage and ownership.
II. Property Information
A. See the following website for assistance in obtaining latitude/ longitude coordinates:
http://www.epa.gov/tri/report/siting_tool/index.htm. Latitude (from 32° to 35°) and longitude (78° to 83°)
should be for the center of the site to the nearest 15”. Minutes (’) should be from 0 to 59, and seconds (”) should be
0, 15, 30, or 45.
B. If the Project Owner/ Operator does not own the project site, then list the official or legal name of the current
Property Owner of the site. NPDES coverage will be issued to the Project Owner/ Operator (Section I), not the
Property Owner, unless same entity.
III. Site Information
A. The total and disturbed areas should be rounded to the nearest tenth of an acre. For subdivisions, if the exact build-
out is not known, the disturbed area can be estimated using the following equation:
Disturbed area = 2(Maximum
Footprint of House)(# of lots) + Road/ Right-of-Way areas + Other easements/ disturbance. Please note that the
Department must be notified if the actual disturbed area is greater than the disturbed area listed on the application.
B. The plan in LCP is “broadly defined as any announcement or piece of documentation (including a sign, public notice
or hearing, sales pitch, advertisement, drawing, permit application, zoning request, computer design, etc.) or
physical demarcation (including boundary signs, lot stakes, surveyor markings, etc.) indicating construction
activities may occur on a specific plot.” [63 Federal Register No. 128, July 6, 1998, p. 36491] For example, if master
calculations have been prepared and/ or submitted for an entire site, then all phases and parcels at that site would be
considered part of a LCP. If this is the first phase of an LCP, then this item should be answered yes and the LCP/
Overall Development name should be listed. This LCP/ Overall Development name should also be listed on all
applications for future projects that are part of this LCP, including subsequent phases. If the project is part of an
LCP, then list the previous state permit number and previous NPDES coverage number (not SCR100000).
C. List the estimated start and completion dates of the construction activity.
D. Select ALL activity types that best describe the development proposed for the site. “Institutional” includes schools
and other publicly owned projects, except linear projects. “Site Preparation” includes clearing, grubbing, and
grading only; no new impervious areas should be proposed if this activity type is selected. If none describe the
development, then select “Other” and list the activity.
E. If yes, then the extent of the flooding problems and the effect of this project on those problems must be explained in
the project narrative.
F. See the following website for obtaining FIRM Numbers
https://msc.fema.gov/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/mapstore/homepage/MapSearch.html .
IV. Waterbody Information
A. The nearest receiving waterbody is the nearest waters of the State (see definition in §122.2 S.C. Regulation 61-9—
http://www.scdhec.gov/environment/water/regs/r61-9.pdf) to which the site’s stormwater will discharge. If
this waterbody is unnamed, then provide a description that references the nearest, named waterbody (e.g., tributary
to Grove Creek). If the site’s stormwater discharges to multiple waterbodies, then list all such waterbodies and
attach additional sheets, if necessary. See the following website for information about identifying and classifying
ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams:
B. 1. If there are other waters of the U.S./ State on the site not listed in items a-e (e.g., lake, pond), then list those in
item f. Delineation means identification by USACE. If there are waters of the State (WoS) located within 100’ of
the disturbed area, then the WoS must be delineated. The surveyed delineation and boundaries of the WoS must
be shown and labeled on the plans. For an ephemeral stream, the centerline of the stream must be shown and
labeled on the plans. If WoS will be impacted, then provide an additional, separate plan sheet that shows all WoS
on the site and the impacted areas. Provide a description of the activity(s), whether it is permanent or temporary,
and any other relevant information. If there are proposed impacts to WoS, then it is advised that you contact
USACE (866-329-8187) and/ or Water Quality Certification, Standards & Wetlands Programs Section (803-898-
4300) to determine additional requirements before submitting this NOI. Please note that it is Project Owner/
Operator’s responsibility to ensure that all WoS are shown and identified in the SWPPP.
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Stormwater Design Standards Manual