• Proper construction of these measures can be found in South Carolina Department of Health
and Environmental Control’s (SCDHEC) BMP Manual. Manufacturer’s recommended
installation and maintenance procedures shall be followed.
2. Nearby stormwater inlets, manholes, etc. in the street or on this or adjacent property shall be
protected through the use of sediment tubes, check dams, or inlet protection devices. These
measures shall be maintained throughout the construction process until the site is stabilized as
detailed below.
3. A maximum of two (2) construction entrances shall be provided at all times. The entrances shall
contain washed stone that is at least 6-inches deep, 20-feet wide, and 75-feet long. The stone
shall be maintained throughout the construction process until the site is stabilized as detailed
below. Sediment tracked onto streets shall be removed daily. More information on the
installation and maintenance of the construction entrances can be obtained from the Public
Service Department.
4. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be inspected every seven (7) days. If site
inspections identify BMPs that are damaged or are not operating effectively, maintenance must
be performed as soon as practical or as reasonably possible and before the next storm event,
whenever practicable.
5. Construction debris and other waste shall be contained in a dumpster or covered with plastic.
Chemicals, paints, solvents and other materials shall be stored such that exposure risk to
precipitation and stormwater run-on is low. Concrete wash water shall be disposed in an area of
soil away from surface waters where soil can act as a filter or evaporate the water. Remaining
cement shall be disposed of in a dumpster or otherwise removed from the site. Be aware that this
water can kill vegetation. De-watering water shall be disposed of in a pervious area and shall be
contained completely within that area. Discharge of sediment from de-watering operations shall
be prevented from entering into stormwater facilities and surface waters.
6. Areas not used during construction shall be vegetated with sod or grass seed. Existing/natural
vegetation shall be preserved as much as possible. Grass specifications are available from
7. A site is considered stabilized once the entire area other the buildings, driveways, and walkways
has a vegetative cover with a density of 70%. Seeding shall be accompanied or replaced with
erosion control mats as necessary to achieve this density.
8. After final stabilization is achieved, all temporary control measures shall be removed from the
EPSCC8-2014 Page 3 of 3 Stormwater Design Standards Manual