ning Department
Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\Demolition Permit.doc Revised 12.19.18
Demolition Permit
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX ●
Contractor Information
Company Name of Contractor:
Primary Contact Name:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone: E-mail:
Johnson or Miami County License #
Property Owner Information
Property Owner Name:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone: E-mail:
Building to be demolished
Length: Width: Height:
Use of building: Zoning:
Principle materials of construction:
Length of time to perform demolition:
Contact person during demolition:
Phone: E-mail:
Name of demolition debris landfill where debris will be disposed, or an open burning permit to burn the debris.
Landfill: Phone:
The following information is to accompany the completed application:
1. Documentation that all public utilities have been properly disconnected.
2. Proof of permission from the owner of the current location of the building allowing the building to be demolished.
3. Approval for the abandonment of the sewage disposal system by the Public Works Department, Johnson County
Environmental Department or Miami County Environmental Department.
4. A satisfactory pre-demolition evaluation inspection from the Building Inspection Department or from an Architect or Engineer
registered by the State of Kansas on general code conformance of the structure to be demolished.
Applicant/Owner Signature Date
Applicant/Owner (printed name) Phone
NOTE: The fee is 25% of the permit fee cost, based on the cost to build the building today. A per square foot cost is determined by the building official, and calculated
based on the size and type of building. That cost is used to determine the building permit fee, and 25% of that fee is the cost of the demolition permit.
Permit No.
Permit Fee $
Approved By:
click to sign
click to edit