Y:\City Hall\Community Development\FORMS\PERMIT APPS & HANDOUTS\REMODEL (residential)\Building Permit Application (residential projects).doc Revised 12.31.18
NOTE: This form is not for new home construction.
Description of Project (include detailed plan drawings with permit application):
Floor area of building project (square feet):
Approximate cost of project (labor and materials) $
Note: The permit fee is based on the construction cost of project.
Contractor Information
Name: Check One: Owner Agent Contractor
Company Name:
Address: City State Zip
Phone: Email:
License # & Jurisdiction:
Mechanical Contractor Electrical Contractor
Company Name: Company Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
License # & Jurisdiction: License # & Jurisdiction:
Plumbing Contractor Framing Contractor
Company Name: Company Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
License # & Jurisdiction: License # & Jurisdiction:
Additional Submittal Information:
Submit a plot plan drawing or mortgage survey, indicating the construction location in relation to the property lines and the
house or business. For interior remodels, please submit a plan drawing, showing the remodel room sizes and uses, doors and
windows, and room uses of adjoining/existing rooms.
Call before you dig by calling the Kansas One Call System at (800) 344-7233 and Public Works at (913) 592-3317.
Inspections: Please contact the City of Spring Hill for all required inspections at (913) 592-3657.
I affirm that the information provided is true and correct, and I agree to conform to all regulations of the City of Spring Hill covering this type of
work. I state that the work done is performed by the licensed contractor as stated above. I understand failure to comply with these provisions
may result in the revocation of this permit and/or contractor license.
Applicant Name (print) Applicant Signature
Phone E-mail Date
Before any work may commence, all pertinent permits must be obtained.
Building Permit Application
(Residential Projects)
Community Development/Planning Dept.
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill, KS 66083
(913) 592-3657 ● (913) 592-5040 FAX
planning@springhillks.gov ● www.springhillks.gov
Permit No.
Approved By:
Permit Fee (including Plan Review Fee):
click to sign
click to edit