Notice of Student Vio
lation of the Cañada College Academic Integrity Policy
Upon completion, a copy of this form should be sent to the Vice President of Student Services. The VPSS will contact the student for
further action. The notice will be kept in the student’s file in the VPSS’s office for two years. Students have the right to appeal on the
basis of bad faith, mistakes or fraud. A student wishing on appeal should contact the Vice President of Student Services.
Name of Student
Student ID #
Course Title
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Name of Instructor
Date of occurence
Describe the evidence of the violation (e.g.: source from which the material was plagiarized or technique used during cheating).
Please attach any evidence to this form.
Sanction Imposed by Instructor:
Additional Instructor Comments:
Additional Student Comments:
Instructor Signature:
Student Signature (can be obtained by the VPSS
if student is not available):
cc: Vice President of Student Services
Clear Form
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