Page 6 of 8 IPToolkitTS0715
Obligations for record keeping and data management (e.g. research material and data to be kept secure and
confidential onsite)
Reports provided in specified format from the Research Organisation will concern (e.g. regular progress reports
that include minimum requirements, progress made against deliverables, financial tracking against project budget, page
length, and other factors that affect the Project)
Report title or description
Requirements (e.g. format and content)
Sent to (e.g. email address and/or
physical address)
Dispute Resolution
Note: A party must notify the other party of a dispute.
If parties cannot agree on an issue of a notified dispute within an agreed number of business days
(default 20 days unless otherwise specified) then parties (select one):
A - must refer dispute for expert determination (parties must agree to be bound by the outcome)
B - must appoint a mediator and participate in mediation
C - must refer dispute for arbitration (parties must agree to be bound by the outcome)
D - may refer the dispute for alternate dispute resolution
Project outputs
If applicable, nominate which party owns Deliverable(s)
Note: In both contracts, unless agreed otherwise, the owning party of the Project IP owns it on creation. They may
choose whether to pursue registration or other protection in their name at their own expense but must also first consult
with the other party.
The Sponsor seeks to
(e.g. commercialise Project innovation while allowing researcher articles to be published)
The Research Organisation seeks to
(e.g. allow research articles to be published while Project innovation is commercialised)
The ownership, use or exploitation of the created Project IP:
By the Sponsor as specified in the Project deliverables above (to be in a Schedule in the Model Contract) is
By the Research Organisation specified in the Project deliverables above (to be in a Schedule in the Model
Contract) is