IHT407 Page 1 HMRC 07/18
Name of deceased
Date of death DD MM YYYY
Inheritance Tax reference number (if known)
When to use this form
Fill in this form to tell us about the deceased’s household and
personal goods.
Do not include details of household or personal goods owned
jointly. You should include details of jointly owned assets on
form IHT404, ‘Jointly owned assets’ and not on this form.
Read the guidance notes for form IHT407 in the
IHT400, ‘Notes’ before filling in this form. For more
information or help or another copy of this form:
• go to www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax
• phone our helpline on 0300 123 1072 – if calling from
outside the UK, phone +44 300 123 1072
Enter details of any individual items of jewellery valued at £1,500 or more in the box below. If you have a professional valuation,
enclose a copy.
Description of item If the item has been sold, Open market value
give the date of sale and at date of death
gross sale proceeds
Household and personal goods
Schedule IHT407