Thank you for your interest in the Coloramo Federal Credit Union Scholarship Program. This year
we are oering a $1000 scholarship to a deserving student who has decided to pursue higher
education in accredited post-secondary institutions.
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must:
1. Be an active member of Coloramo Federal Credit Union.
2. Demonstrate need for nancial assistance in furthering his/her education. Criteria will
include student income, family contribution, other scholarship and/or grants.
3. Demonstrate through academic records the capability and desire for advanced education.
The criteria for evaluation will be high school or college transcripts, including grade point
average and class ranking. Applicants must have maintained a grade point average of 2.0
on a 4.0 scale.
4. Need not be in the current graduating class of high school seniors, but must have been
accepted as a student at an eligible college in a degree granting program.
1. Will be evaluated by the Coloramo Federal Credit Union Scholarship Selection Committee.
and decisions of the Selection Committee shall be considered nal.
2. Once completed and signed, should be sent with all requested items (application,
transcripts and letters of acceptance) together in one package.
3. Will not receive consideration if incomplete, if documentation is missing, or if
documentation arrives in separate mailings. Typewritten applications or NEATLY
handwritten application will be considered.
4. May be submitted at anytime, but must be postmarked no later than March 31st. Receipt
must be soon thereafter at our Main Oce: 516 28 Road, Grand Junction, CO 81501.
5. Winner will be notied on, or before, April 16th. Non-winners will not be notied.
1. Funds shall be paid to the eligible school upon receipt of billing in favor of the scholarship.
2. Funds shall be equally divided between Fall and Spring Semesters in order to be of
assistance throughout the entire year.
3. No funds shall be disbursed directly to the recipient.
4. Funds not used by a recipient during the award year at their school will be forfeited and
revert to Coloramo Federal Credit Union.
For questions, contact: Katie Turley
VP of Marketing
Coloramo Federal Credit Union
243-7280, ext. 719