Frequently Asked Questions
What is a rezoning? A rezoning is required if the proposed use
of your property is not permitted by right or with a Special
Exception Permit.
What is the process? Applicants submit an application for
rezoning to the Planning Department by the second Tuesday of
the month to meet the deadline for the following month’s
Planning Commission meeting. Applications are then
considered at a public hearing before the Planning Commission
which makes a recommendation for consideration by the Town
How long does the process take? The process typically takes 3
to 4 months to complete from beginning to end. This time
frame can vary if an application requires additional time for
review by the Planning Commission or Town Council.
What happens during a public hearing? All rezoning
applications require two public hearings, one by the Planning
Commission and one by the Town Council. Costs for public
hearing advertisements to be paid by the applicant. The Code
of Virginia requires that a notice of public hearing be placed in
the newspaper. All abutting property owners to your property
will receive a notice of the date, time and nature of the public
hearing and are invited to attend to make public comments.
What can I expect during the meetings? At the time of your
public hearing, the meeting chairperson will introduce the item
by reading the case summary from the meeting agenda. The
Chair will then ask town staff to provide a summary of the
application. The applicant and those attendees in support and
opposed to the project are then invited to speak.
Why is it important for the applicant to attend both public
During the public hearing, you (or your representative) will
have the opportunity to present your project and respond to
questions from Planning Commission members and Interested
parties in the audience.
Typical Timeline
Step 1. Meet with town staff to discuss your proposed project.
Staff members can assist you with the application and answer
any questions you may have about the rezoning process.
Step 2. Applications are always due on the second Tuesday of
the month. A non-refundable application fee of $75 is due
upon submittal.
Step 3. Your application is reviewed by town staff for
completeness. Applicants are notified if there are any
Step 4. Complete applications are advertised for public hearing.
Step 5. The Planning Commission meeting is held on the 4th
Monday of every month.
Step 6. The Town Council public hearing is scheduled,
generally, for the first Monday in the following month.
Step 7. Approved applications may proceed with the building
permit application process.
Planning Department
Town Attorney
Town Manager
Washington County Service Authority
Washington County Health Department
VA Department of Transportation
VA Department of Environmental Quality
VA Department of Mines, Minerals, and
VA Department of Motor Vehicles
Bristol Virginia Utilities
Atmos Energy