Are you currently serving on a board or commission of the Town of Abingdon? Yes_____ No ______
If so, which Board(s) or Commission(s)?
When do(es) your present term(s) expire? (mm/yy) ___________________________________
Have you ever served on any boards or commissions in the past, either Abingdon or in other localities?
Yes __ No __
If so, name and date(s) of service? ______________________________________________________
Why do you wish to serve the Town in this capacity? Do you have an area of interest or background that
believe would be a beneficial service in this capacity? If so, what is it and how would it be helpful?
To the best of my ability, all information on this application is true and correct.
Thank you for your interest in appointment to the Town’s Advisory Boards and Commissions. **
Members of the Planning Commission, Economic Development Authority, Board of Zoning Appeals,
Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and Historic Preservation Review Board are required to complete a
Statement of Economic Interest.
Please circle any other committees you are willing to serve on:
Board of Building Code Appeals **
Recreation Advisory Commission
Economic Development Authority
Sinking Spring Cemetery Committee **
Infrastructure Advisory Committee
Sustain Abingdon Committee
Historic Preservation Review Board */**
Tourism Advisory Committee **
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Muster Grounds Steering Committee
Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator
*May be required to attend training and/or obtain certification during term
**Appointment contingent upon residency, qualified voter, or other qualifications as set forth in
Ordinance and/or bylaws
Note: All applicants are subject to background verification.