1. Sport Registering For:
Please Check Branch:
North Georgia
North River
J.A. Henry
Please Check one:
Uniform Size (See sample sizes at desk):
2. Volunteers Needed (please Check all that you might be interested in):
Assistant Coach
3. Complete the personal information in the box below:
4. How many years has your child played organized sports?: ________
For the balance in forming teams, AT PLAY, your child is best described as:
Mark one
(1-least aggressive to 5-most aggressive)
5. Please list other previous sports experience: _________________________________________________________________
The YMCA considers all registrations without to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or the presence of medical condition or handicap. However,
the YMCA does reserve the right to refuse admission to any child who may require a level of attention beyond that which YMCA programs are designed
to accommodate or who may require specialized training that may prevent YMCA staff from adequately meeting the needs of the child. I agree to abide
by the rules and regulations as set forth by the YMCA staff. I will fully accept the decision of the YMCA staff regarding the placement of my child on a
team. I will also conduct myself with a positive Christian attitude toward coaches, opposing team players, officials. And YMCA staff members during the
course of the season. I understand that the YMCA does not provide insurance coverage for the above listed program participant and that I am
responsible for my child’s own personal coverage. I hereby give permission for the Cleveland Family YMCA to use for promotional purposes any photos
or videos taken of my child while involved in this program. By signing my name below, I am indicating that: this registration form is correct to the best of
my knowledge and that child herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed activities expect those noted by me. I understand that YMCA
activities have inherent risks and I hereby assume all risks and hazards incident to my participation in all YMCA activities. I further waive, release, absolve,
indemnify and agree to hold harmless the YMCA, the organizers, volunteers, supervisors, officers, directors, participants, coaches, referees, as well as,
persons or parents transporting participants to and from activities from any claims or injury sustained during my participation in YMCA activities.
Note: Refund requests must be made before the first game. No refunds will be given after the first game. If requesting a refund, there will be a $15.00
administrative fee charged.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________ DATE: _____________
Date: _____________________
Member #: ________________
Amount paid: $_____________
Receipt #: _________________
Parent Email address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Please ensure that you include an email address (Primary form of communication).
Childs (FULL) name: __________________________________________________ Sex
F Age: ____ DOB: _________
Best contact number: ______________________________ School attending: _______________________________________
Home address: ____________________________________ City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________
Mother's name: _________________________________ DOB: __________ Employer: _________________________________
Cell phone number: _____________________________
Work phone number: ___________________________________
Father's name: ________________________
DOB: __________ Employer: _________________________________
Cell phone number: _____________________________
Work phone number: ___________________________________
Siblings participating: (1) ________________________ (2)________________________ (3)________________________
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way
the brain normally works. Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness. Athletes who have, at any point in their lives, had a
concussion have an increased risk for another concussion. Young children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take
longer to recover than adults. The new concussion law is an opportunity to make playing sports safer for Tennessee’s young athletes.
Must be signed and returned to school or community youth athletic activity prior to participation in practice or play.
The YMCA strives to keep children and adults safe in all of our programs.
For more information visit: http://health.state.tn.us/tbi/concussion.htm
Must be signed and returned to YMCA prior to participation in practice or play.
Student-Athlete Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________________
After reading the information sheet, I am aware of the following information:
* Health care provider means a Tennessee licensed medical doctor, osteopathic physician
or a clinical neuropsychologist with concussion training.
____________________________________________________________________ _______________________
Signature of Student-Athlete Date
____________________________________________________________________ _______________________
Signature of Parent/Legal guardian Date
A concussion is a brain injury which should be reported to my parents,
my coach(es) or a medical professional if one is available.
A concussion cannot be “seen.” Some symptoms might be present
right away. Other symptoms can show up hours or days after an injury.
I will tell my parents, my coach and/or a medical professional about my
injuries and illnesses.
I will not return to play in a game or practice if a hit to my head or body
causes any concussion-related symptoms.
I will/my child will need written permission from a health care provider*
to return to play or practice after a concussion.
Most concussions take days or weeks to get better. A more serious
concussion can last for months or longer.
After a bump, blow or jolt to the head or body an athlete should
receive immediate medical attention if there are any danger signs such
as loss of consciousness, repeated vomiting or a headache that gets
After a concussion, the brain needs time to heal. I understand that I
am/my child is much more likely to have another concussion or more
serious brain injury if return to play or practice occurs before the
concussion symptoms go away.
Sometimes repeat concussion can cause serious and long-lasting
problems and even death.
I have read the concussion symptoms on the
Concussion Information Sheet.
Guardian initials
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