Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference
Dear Academic Referee,
We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide an academic reference for an applicant to the
2022-2024 admission to Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental
Management and Policy (EMP) and/or Lund University International Master’s Programme in
Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES).
As these programmes are international and inter-disciplinary and entirely conducted in English, your
contribution is important in our final assessment of the applicant’s capacity and general suitability to
successfully complete the programme.
Please complete the reference form in English, Swedish, Danish or Norwegian.
Name of the applicant:
The applicant’s application number: Applying for:
1. How long have you known the applicant, and in what capacity?
2. What is your assessment of the applicant’s academic development and achievements??
3. What is your assessment of the applicant’s intellectual ability and capacity for original
4. What is your assessment of the applicant's general character, diligence, and creativity?
5. What is your assessment of the applicant's ability to work (a) independently (b) in teams?
6. If you are able to judge: What is your assessment of the applicant's proficiency in the
English language?
Based on your knowledge of the applicant's academic ability and general character, what is your
assessment of the potential of the candidate to successfully complete an international,
interdisciplinary master's programme within the given time? Please select the most appropriate
great potential to graduate with distinction within 2 years
good potential to graduate in 2 years with good results
fair potential to graduate in 2 years
will graduate if given more time than 2 years
insufficient basis for judgement
Based on your assessment above, do you
strongly recommend
recommend with reservation
recommend with strong reservations
that this applicant be admitted to any of the above listed programmes? Please select the most
appropriate alternative.
Position / Title
University / Institution
E-mail address
Postal address
Signature Date
…………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
A reference form that is not signed will not be considered.
Please submit this reference form by e-mail, postal service, registered mail or delivery service.
Postal service and registered mail
PostNord Strålfors AB
Att: University Admissions in Sweden
R 312
SE-190 81 Rosersberg
Delivery service
PostNord Strålfors AB
Att: University Admissions in Sweden, 070 651 15 01
Järngatan 11
Kaj 21-25
SE-195 95 Rosersberg
E-mail (please do not copy the applicant to the email)
EMP: EMPreference@iiiee.lu.se
LUMES: LUMESreference@lucsus.lu.se
Do not give the reference letter to the applicant. This form must reach us by February 1, 2022.