Please consult with your tax/legal advisor for assistance in complet-
ing this form. This form is to remain on file with the employer.
Do not send to LT Trust Company, Inc. (LT Trust).
(please type or print)
LT Trust Account Number
Plan Name
Full Name
Social Security Number
(check one)
q I certify that I am NOT married. I will notify my Employer as
Plan Administrator of any change in my marital status, and
understand that at that time I should file a new form with the
Plan Administrator.
q I certify that I am married. I will notify my Employer as Plan Admin-
istrator of any change in my marital status, and understand that
at that time I should file a new form with the Plan Administrator.
: Special rules may apply to you if during your period of
employment, you reside in states which have enacted, or other-
wise apply, community property laws. (As of this printing, the com-
munity property states are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana,
Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.)
Subject to applicable state and federal law and pursuant to the
provisions of the Plan in effect on the date of my death, I hereby
revoke all previous Beneficiary designations. If I am married, I under-
stand that if I name a non-spouse Primary Beneficiary (of any per-
centage), this designation will be null and void unless the Consent
of Spouse (section F) is completed. Subject to my spouseʼs right to
any death benefit, I designate the following as the Beneficiary(ies)
to receive amounts payable under the Plan by reason of my death:
q Additional Beneficiaries listed on attached sheet.
: If attaching an additional sheet, indicate whether the
person is a Primary or Contingent Beneficiary.
Primary Beneficiary(ies)
1. Full Name
City State Zip
Date of Birth
Social Security Number/TIN
Relationship %
2. Full Name
City State Zip
Date of Birth
Social Security Number/TIN
Relationship %
Contingent Beneficiary(ies)*
(in case of death of all primary beneficiaries)
1. Full Name
City State Zip
Date of Birth
Social Security Number/TIN
Relationship %
2. Full Name
City State Zip
Date of Birth
Social Security Number/TIN
Relationship %
Toll Free: 1-800-831-8675
Send mail to:
LT Trust Company
P.O. Box 17160
Denver, CO 80217-7160
For express deliveries:
LT Trust Company
1675 Broadway Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
© 2015 LT TRUST COMPANY PAGE 1 of 4 DV-5231 (04/15)
Clear Form
The right to revoke or change any Beneficiary designation is hereby
reserved by the Participant. Spousal consent may be required for
a revocation/change of Beneficiary.
*Death Benefits are payable to Contingent Beneficiary(ies) only in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan. Please read your Plan
document and consult with your Plan Administrator if you need
more information regarding the provisions in your particular Plan.
Notice to Participants Age 70
2 or older: If you are receiving required
minimum payments, please contact your Plan Administrator if you
are replacing or adding a Primary Beneficiary.
I, the undersigned Participant, acknowledge the declarations made
above (and on the attached page if applicable).
Participant Signature
The following must be completed and notorized only if the Partic-
ipant is married and has designated any Primary Beneficiary other
than his/her spouse; or designations of Spouse and a Non-Spouse
in any percentage.
I, ____________________________________________ (name),
the Participantʼs spouse, hereby consent to the Beneficiary(ies)
designated, and acknowledge that all amounts payable under the
plan by reason of the Participantʼs death will be payable pursuant
to such designation. I understand the designation of anyone other
than me as primary beneficiary of any benefits payable after the
Participantʼs death is ineffective unless I consent, and that by
signing below, I give up my right to benefits which I would other-
wise have under the law. I am executing this Consent voluntarily.
I executed this election the
day of
Signature of Spouse
Witness of Spousal Consent
Signature of spouse witnessed in the presence of (choose A or B)
o A. Signature of Plan Administrator
o B. Notary Public
State of _________________________________________ )
_______________________________________________ ) ss
County of _______________________________________ )
BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared
________________________________________________ who
executed the above Spousal Consent as a free and voluntary act.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed my name and affixed my
official notarial seal this _____ day of ______________________,
Notary Public Signature
My commission expires
(This section must be completed if you are a Participant in a
Money Purchase Pension Plan, or a retirement plan with joint
and survivor requirements.)
This section applies if you are a married Participant in your
employerʼs qualified retirement plan. The law requires that any
amounts remaining in your plan account be paid to your surviving
spouse in a certain manner at your death. This manner of pay-
ment, called a Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity (QPSA),
will provide your spouse with a series of periodic payments over
his or her life. The size of the periodic payment will depend on
the amount remaining in your plan. Please see the attached
Explanation of Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity on page 4.
You may elect to waive the requirement that your surviving spouse
be paid in the form of a Qualified Preretirement Annuity. You may
make this election beginning with the first day after which you
become a Participant in the plan. Any waiver election you sign
before age 35 will become invalid the first day of the plan year in
which you attain age 35. At that time you may again waive the
Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity.
Your spouse must consent in writing to the waiver. You have the
right to revoke any waiver that you have made at any time before
your death.
If your vested account balance is $5,000 or less at the time of your
death, the Plan Administrator may make a distribution to your
surviving spouse in a single sum cash payment even if you did not
waive the Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity.
As a married Participant in my employerʼs qualified plan, I acknowl-
edge that I read and understand the Explanation of the Qualified
Preretirement Survivor Annuity (attached). I understand that if I die
before payment of benefits has begun, any amount remaining in
my plan account will be paid to my surviving spouse in the form of
a Preretirement Survivor Annuity, unless I waive the payment of
death benefits in such form, and my spouse consents in writing
under the Spousal Consent section of this form to such waiver.
I hereby elect to WAIVE the requirement that my surviving spouse
be paid any benefits that I may have in the plan at the time of my
death in the form of Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity.
I understand my right to make this waiver election, the time period
during which I may make this waiver election, and the financial
effect of my election not to have my benefits paid in the form of
a Preretirement Survivor Annuity. I understand I may revoke this
© 2015 LT TRUST COMPANY PAGE 2 of 4 DV-5231 (04/15)
election at any time during the election period described in the
Plan and in the Explanation of the Qualified Preretirement Survivor
Annuity on page 4. I understand and agree that this waiver is valid
only if my spouse has consented by reading and signing the
statement below.
I have executed this waiver election this _______ day of
__________________________________________ , 20______.
Participant Signature
Spousal Consent
I, ____________________________________________ (name),
the Participantʼs spouse, hereby consent to the waiver of the pre-
retirement survivor annuity form of payment. I certify I understand
the terms of the preretirement survivor annuity explained in the
Explanation of Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity provided
with this form.I understand my right not to consent to this waiver
election, the time period during which my spouse and I may make
this waiver election and the financial effect of the election not to
receive benefits in the preretirement survivor annuity form. I under-
stand my consent is irrevocable unless my spouse revokes the
waiver election.
I executed this election the
day of
Signature of Spouse
Witness of Spousal Consent
Signature of spouse witnessed in the presence of (choose A or B)
o A. Signature of Plan Administrator
o B. Notary Public
State of _________________________________________ )
_______________________________________________ ) ss
County of _______________________________________ )
BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared
________________________________________________ who
executed the above Spousal Consent as a free and voluntary act.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed my name and affixed my
official notarial seal this
day of
Notary Public Signature
My commission expires
(Note to Plan Administrator: You are responsible for keeping
this information on file. Please review this form for missing signa-
tures, etc. make a copy for your files and return the original to
LT Trust.)
© 2015 LT TRUST COMPANY PAGE 3 of 4 DV-5231 (04/15)
This notice explains how your Plan benefits will be calculated and
distributed if you die before payment of your benefits has begun,
unless you and your spouse elect otherwise.
Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity. If you die before pay-
ment of your benefits has begun, your benefits will be paid to your
surviving spouse in the form of a Qualified Preretirement Survivor
Annuity (“QPSA”). A QPSA election is not applicable if benefit pay-
ments have commenced. In other words, a QPSA will not be
payable to your surviving spouse if the Plan had commenced
benefit payments to you prior to your death.
Under the QPSA, your surviving spouse will receive a lifetime
level monthly payment. The Trustee will distribute the QPSA using
100% of your vested Account balance to purchase an annuity
contract from an insurance company. The Trustee then will distrib-
ute the contract to your surviving spouse as evidence of his/her
right to receive the annuity payments from the insurance
company. Generally, the annuity will begin within one year after
a Participantʼs date of death, but the surviving spouse may elect
to have the annuity deferred to the date the Participant would
have attained age 70
2. If, at the time of the Participantʼs death,
the Account balance is not greater than $5,000, the Plan will make
a lump sum distribution of the Account balance to the surviving
spouse, in lieu of providing the QPSA.
The actual level monthly payments made under the QPSA will
depend on the annuity purchase rate used by the insurance com-
pany, your surviving spouseʼs age and life expectancy at the time
the distribution begins, and the amount of the Account balance at
the time the Trustee purchases the annuity contract. If anyone
(a former spouse, for instance) is entitled to a portion of your
benefits pursuant to a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, the
amount available for the annuity will be reduced by the amount
specified in the Order. The amount available for the annuity will
also be reduced by any outstanding amount due on a loan
secured with your vested Account balance. The Plan may charge
your Account for the commission incurred incident to the purchase
of the annuity contract.
The following table provides the approximate monthly annuity pay-
ments under an immediate annuity per $1,000 of Account balance
for a surviving spouse ranging from age 50 to age 80. The table
assumes an annuity factor based on the UP-1984 mortality tables,
assuming a 6% interest rate. The insurance company from which
the Trustee purchases the QPSA may use different factors. Dif-
ferent factors will produce a different monthly payment. The Plan
Administrator, upon request, will provide a more precise calculation.
Annuity Factor Table
(per $1,000 of Account balance)
For example, if a Participantʼs Account balance at death is $10,000,
a surviving spouse who is age 60 will receive a monthly annuity
payment approximately equal to $78.60 ($7.86 x 10). The approx-
imate monthly payments are only estimates.
Waiver Election. The Plan requires payment of the QPSA unless
a valid waiver election is in effect on the date of death. The waiver
election is not valid unless you and your spouse make the elec-
tion within the election period. Generally, the election period
begins on the first day of the Plan year during which you
reached age 35. The election period ends on the date of your
death. A waiver will be effective only if your spouse consents to
the waiver of the QPSA. A designation of a nonspouse Primary
Beneficiary (if you are married) requires both a waiver of the QPSA
and spousal consent to the nonspouse Beneficiary. The spousal
consent must be in writing and must be witnessed either by the
Plan Administrator or a notary public. You may waive or revoke
a waiver anytime during the election period. You may revoke a
waiver without your spouseʼs consent, but your spouse would
have to consent to a new waiver election.
Financial Effect of the Election. Under a QPSA, the surviving
spouse will receive lifetime income. The QPSA will not pay any
benefits to other beneficiaries after the spouseʼs death. The Plan may
offer the surviving spouse the option of receiving the Account bal-
ance in a lump sum or in installment payments, in lieu of the QPSA.
If you waive the QPSA, the Plan Administrator will authorize pay-
ment of the Account balance to your designated Beneficiary in a
form permitted under the Plan. The optional forms of distribution
available to your Beneficiaries are extremely varied, and include,
but are not limited to, the alternatives discussed below. One alter-
native is a lump sum distribution under which the Trustee will dis-
tribute the entire Account balance. Certain distributions are eli-
gible for rollover or other special tax benefits. If the Beneficiary
receives a lump sum distribution or an eligible rollover distribution,
the Plan Administrator will provide the Beneficiary a notice of the
special tax benefits or rollover options, if any, available for the dis-
tribution. A second alternative is a periodic installment distribution
from the trust over a fixed period of years. Under an installment
distribution, payments continue until the Account balance is
exhausted. Furthermore, the Account balance will continue to earn
investment income.
The relative values of optional forms of benefit are equal. The value
of any distribution your Beneficiary may receive is based solely on
the investments purchased with the employer, employee and/or
rollover contributions or transfers made to your separate Account
under the Plan. If funds are left in the Account at the time of the
Primary Beneficiaryʼs death (after your death), the Plan will pay the
remaining Account balance to the Primary Beneficiaryʼs estate.
What To Do. If you do nothing, your surviving spouse will auto-
matically be provided with a QPSA (unless s/he elects another
form of distribution). If you are currently eligible to make an elec-
tion to waive the QPSA or wish to revoke a prior waiver, please
complete the Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity section on
the appropriate form. If you have any questions regarding the
information provided in this notice, or you need further informa-
tion, please contact the Plan Administrator listed below.
Plan Name
Plan Administrator Name
Telephone ( )
© 2015 LT TRUST COMPANY PAGE 4 of 4 DV-5231 (04/15)
Spouse’s Age
Spouse’s Age
50 $ 6.53 66 $ 9.17
52 $ 6.74 68 $ 9.72
54 $ 6.97 70 $10.34
56 $ 7.23 72 $11.06
58 $ 7.53 74 $11.90
60 $ 7.86 76 $12.86
62 $ 8.25 78 $13.97
64 $ 8.68 80 $15.24