greater for more than a decade as government leaders tried to provide
______________ and get the country’s _______________ moving.
10. The United States did not join the fighting until 1941 when ________________
attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. That action brought the United States into
_____________ _____________ ______.
11. After World War II ended, the ______________ ______________ and the
United States became rivals for world power.
12. It was known as the ______________ _____________ because, although there
were many tense moments and relatively small fights, total war (a “hot” war)
did not break out between the two nations.
13. By 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart, and democratically elected leaders
replaced ________________ rulers in much of the former Soviet territories.
14. Activists in the _____________ ______________ movement worked for full
civil rights and racial equality for African Americans.
15. On September 11, 2001, _________________ hijacked four commercial jets.
The takeover was planned by a group called _______________.
16. These violent acts were just a beginning of additional ______________ around
the world
by Islamist extremists. These groups presented new problems for
world ______________ and ______________.
17. In the 21st century, citizens of the United States still struggle with fully
implementing their ideals of _______________ and _______________.