Weber County Request to Register Transferable Development Rights
The above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and has been submitted to the Weber County Planning Division as declaration of my
intent to transfer development rights in conformance with the standards found in Chapter 44 of the Weber County Zoning Ordinance.
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Signature) (Signature)
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Printed) (Printed)
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Signature) (Signature)
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
(Printed) (Printed)
Dated this _________day of _________________, 20 ______, personally appeared before me ______________________________________________, the
signer(s) of the above form who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Date Submitted
Land Serial Number(s)
Registration forms are recommended to be submitted with an appointment.
(801) 399-8791. 2380 Washington Blvd. Suite 240, Ogden, UT 84401
Current Zoning Total Acreage of all Property
Transferring Property Information
Property Owner Affidavit
Received By (Office Use)
Estimated Total Number of Development Rights Associated with Property
Number of Development Rights Retained on Property
Estimated Number of Transferable Development Rights Available for Transfer
Property Description (If multiple parcels, attach as separate sheets if necessary)
Property Owner Contact Information
Mailing Address of Property Owner(s)Name of Property Owner(s)
Phone Fax
Email Address
Approximate Address
Added to Map (Office Use)