Weber County Attorney
2380 Washington Blvd. #230
Ogden, UT 84401
(801) 399-8377
Weber County Government
Request for Records FormGRAMA
For Records in the
Attorney’s Office
* Each county department stores its own records and you will need to contact that department directly with any records
request. You can ask for direction, if necessary, before filling out this form. *
Note: Utah Code § 63G-2-204 (GRAMA) requires a person making a records request to furnish the governmental entity
with a written request containing the requester’s name, mailing address, daytime telephone number (if available); and
a description of the record requested that identifies the record with reasonable specificity.
Please Print All Information Clearly:
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Daytime contact telephone number: _____________________ email address: _______________________________________
Clear Description of Records Requested -*The more specific & narrow the request, the easier it will be for an office to respond. Include
all relevant information, including: Names of the person(s); date range of the records; location of event described in the subject records, address,
Land Serial/Parcel Number(s), section of land, subject of the request, etc.: __________________________________________________________
I would like to:
View/inspect the records only
Receive a copy of the records and pay associated fees. Please notify me if the amount will exceed $______________
Receive a copy of the records and request a fee waiver, according to Utah Code § 63G-2-203, because:
Releasing the record primarily benefits the public
I am the subject, or authorized representative, of the record
My legal rights are directly implicated by the information of the record because ______________________________
and I am impecunious
Receive an expedited response (5 days) because releasing the record benefits the public; for example, I request the
information for a story or report for publication or broadcast to the general public
Requester’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Cost: $____________ Records accepted by: __________________________________ Date: ______________________
This Section for Staff Use
Requester was notified that the office does not maintain the requested records on _______________________, 201___
and if known was also notified of that department. The request was forwarded to ______________Department/Office
for processing on: Date: ________________________
Request extension of time for extraordinary circumstances. Required notice mailed/emailed on ___________, 201___
Cost authorization obtained from requester on: Date: ________________________