Published: 07/2020
Namibia Direct Investment for individual investors
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Investment number P P
2.1.1 Payment of the investment amount
The minimum lump sum investment amount is N$2 000 per portfolio.
Lump sum amount N$ ,
What is the source of the lump sum amount?
Business prot Interest and dividends Savings Salary Inheritance Other
Give more details like name and nature of the business, name of the nancial institution and the account reference, name of the employer, the estate
that paid the inheritance, or describe “other”:
Read the information below before you choose a payment option.
Electronic transfer Bank deposit Collect from bank account
Electronic transfer
bank deposit
After we have reviewed the investment application, we will conrm the bank account details you must use for the
electronictransfer or the bank deposit.
We need a copy of the electronic transfer conrmation or bank deposit slip before we can nalise your
Collect from bank
If we collect the investment amount or if you make a cheque deposit, you can only ask for a withdrawal or refund after
30 days. We will wait 30 days before we exchange any investment amount to a foreign currency.
Collect from bank
Legislation limits collections to N$500 000 per transaction and N$1 000 000 per day. If we have to collect the investment
amount over a number of days, we will invest each collection in the investment components you choose. The rst collection
will be the initial investment amount and we will report the subsequent collections as additional investment amounts.
We need ofcial proof of your Namibian bank account for the collection, not older than three months.
Name of bank
Branch name
Account number Branch code
Type of account Current/Cheque Savings Transmission
Collection date D D M M Y Y Y Y
If we cannot collect on the date you chose, we will collect on the next possible date.
2.2 Regular investment
We can only collect the regular investment by debit order. You can only ask for a refund or withdrawal 30 days after we have collected the regular
investment amount.
Are you paying the regular amount? Yes No
If “yes”, complete sections 2.2.1 and 2.5.
If “no”, we need an Investment payer form from the payer to conrm the payment details. Complete section 2.5 only.
2.2.1 Payment of the regular amount
The minimum regular monthly investment amount is N$200 per portfolio.
Regular amount N$ ,
half year
Yearly increase in regular amount 0 0 , 0 0 % Month of increase
What is the source of the regular amount?
Business prot Interest and dividends Savings Salary Inheritance Other
Give more details like name and nature of the business, name of the nancial institution and the account reference, name of the employer, the estate
that paid the inheritance, or describe “other”:
If you asked for a collection of the lump sum from your bank account, must we use the same bank account for the
regular amount?
Yes No
If “no”, complete your Namibian bank account details for the regular amount. We need ofcial proof of this bank account, not older than three months.
Name of bank
Branch name
Account number Branch code
Type of account Current/Cheque Savings Transmission
Collection day of the month
First collection date
If we cannot collect on the date you chose, we will collect on the next possible date.