$Date:: 2015-04-02 #$ $Revision: 6149 $
7. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration (continued)
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14
I certify/ The applicant certifies that:
• Neither Certificate A or B can be issued for this application
• All reasonable steps have been taken to find out the names and addresses of the other owners* and/or agricultural tenants** of
the land or building, or of a part of it, but I have/ the applicant has been unable to do so.
* “owner” is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run.
** “agricultural tenant” has the meaning given in section 65(8) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
The steps taken were:
Name of Owner / Agricultural Tenant
Date Notice Served
Notice of the application has been published in the following newspaper
(circulating in the area where the land is situated):
On the following date (which must not be earlier
than 21 days before the date of the application):
Or signed - Agent:Signed - Applicant: Date (DD/MM/YYYY):
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14
I certify/ The applicant certifies that:
• Certificate A cannot be issued for this application
• All reasonable steps have been taken to find out the names and addresses of everyone else who, on the day 21 days before the
date of this application, was the owner* and/or agricultural tenant** of any part of the land to which this application relates, but I
have/ the applicant has been unable to do so.
* “owner” is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run.
** “agricultural tenant” has the meaning given in section 65(8) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Signed - Applicant: Or signed - Agent: Date (DD/MM/YYYY):
The steps taken were:
On the following date (which must not be earlier
than 21 days before the date of the application):
Notice of the application has been published in the following newspaper
(circulating in the area where the land is situated):
8. Planning Application Requirements - Checklist
Please read the following checklist to make sure you have sent all the information in support of your proposal. Failure to submit all
information required will result in your application being deemed invalid. It will not be considered valid until all information required by
the Local Planning Authority has been submitted.
The original and 3 copies of a
completed and dated application form:
The original and 3 copies of other plans and drawings or
information necessary to describe the subject of the application:
The correct fee:
The original and 3 copies of the completed, dated
Ownership Certificate (A, B, C or D – as applicable)
and Article 14 Certificate (Agricultural Holdings):