$Date:: 2015-04-02 #$ $Revision: 6150 $
7. Description of Use, Building Works or Activity
If Yes to either 'an existing use' or 'an existing use in breach of a
condition', please state which one of the Use Classes of the Town
and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) the
use relates to:
Please state for which of these you need a lawful development
certificate/building works (you must tick at least one option):
An existing use:
Existing building works:
An existing use, building work or
activity in breach of a condition:
Being a use, building works or activity which is still going on at the
date of this application
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
8. Description of Existing Use, Building Works or Activity
What is the existing site use(s) for which the certificate of
lawfulness is being sought? Please fully describe each use and
state which part of the land the use relates to:
9. Grounds For Application For A Lawful Development Certificate
Please state under what grounds is the certificate sought (you must tick at least one box):
The use began more than 10 years before the date of this application.
The use, building works or activity in breach of condition began more than 10 years before the date of this application.
The use began within the last 10 years, as a result of a change of use not requiring planning permission, and there has not been a
change of use requiring planning permission in the last 10 years.
The building works (for instance, building or engineering works) were substantially completed more than four years before the date
of this application.
The use as a single dwelling house began more than four years before the date of this application.
Other - please specify (this might include claims that the change of use or building work was not development, or that it benefited
from planning permission granted under the Act or by the General Permitted Development Order).
If the certificate is sought on 'Other' grounds please give details:
If applicable, please give the reference number of any existing planning permission, lawful development certificate or enforcement
notice affecting the application site. Include its date and the number of any condition being breached:
Date (DD/MM/YYYY):
(must be pre application submission)
Please state why a Lawful Development Certificate should be granted:
When was the use or activity begun, or the
building works substantially completed:
(date must be pre-application submission)
10. Information In Support Of A Lawful Development Certificate
In the case of an existing use or activity in breach of conditions has there been any interruption?
Yes No
If Yes, please provide details of the dates, duration and any discontinuance of the development which is the subject of this application. If
your application is based on the claim that a use or activity has been ongoing for a period of years, please state exactly when any
interruption occurred:
In the case of an existing use of land, has there been any material change
of use of the land since the start of the use for which a certificate is sought?
Yes No
If Yes please provide details?