5. ISU is not responsible for any loss arising from error, mistake, or fraud in the information you provide or from a loss of data
caused by the actions of another financial institution.
ISU hereby agrees to provide the above-named employee with at least 10 days advance notification of the amount(s) to be
deducted and the date(s) on which the deduction will occur. This notification will be provided in writing or by email to the
employee’s ISU-provided email address.
For additional information or assistance, please contact the ISU Accounts Payable office by:
Email: acctspay@isu.edu
Phone: (208) 282-2511 or (208) 282-4207
Please attach a voided check
Bank Direct Deposit
Authorization Form
I authorize the Idaho State University Accounts Payable office to deposit payments to my financial institution electronically.
I also agree to comply with the National Automated Clearing House Association’s rules and Idaho State University’s Policies and Procedures for electronic payments
at all times.
6. From time to time during your employment with Idaho State University (“ISU”), you may incur debt to ISU. This debt can be
incurred for things such as travel advances, fines, tuition and fees, returned checks for non sufficient funds, and departmental
charges among other things. By submitting this document for direct deposit you are granting ISU the authority to deduct any
past due amounts you owe ISU up to a maximum amount equal to one-half of the reimbursement and to continue such
deductions until the debt is fully discharged. This authorization is not revocable.
Travel Advance – I understand that travel advances will be deposited directly into my bank account. These amounts must
be substantiated by travel reimbursement requests
with accompanying receipts. Travel reimbursement form must be
filed w
ith the Accounts Payable office within 15 days of the return date of associated travel.
By s
igning this document you authorize ISU to deduct from your pay any travel advance balances that are past due. You
also acknowledge that if payroll deduction becomes necessary to pay outstanding balances that you will not be eligible
for future travel advances without express permission from the vice president for finance and administration.