Letter of Understanding
The following outlines the responsibilities expected of Video Classroom Operators. It is up to the individual operator
to familiarize themselves with the information provided. Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Attendance - Operators are required to be in their designated locations at the start of their shift. This means 10
minutes before each class/chift is scheduled to start. If you are unable to meet this requirement due to your class
schedule, contact a manger immeidately.
Absences - If you know you are going to need time off, we require at least seven days notice. Absences due to
illness require a telephone call to Educational Technology Services. Leaving a message is not acceptable unless it is
after business hours. To leave a message after business hours you must call 282-3212. Include, in your message,
the time and room of the first class you were to operate.
Behavior - Laptops, cell phones, newspapers, and headphones are not allowed while working a class. Homework
may only be done with the permission of a manager. Do not write or put your feet on the equipment. answer the
phone professionally by stating your name and room number. no friends are allowed in the control rooms at
anytime. No personal phone call may be made from the classrooms.
Performance Reviews - You will be reviewed periodically by a manager. The manager will review both the
technical skills and your on the job attitude to determine if you need additional training. you will be given the
results of your review after the evaluation. Pay raises may be given upon the successful completion of several
reviews. If the reviews are not favorable you may be terminated. Attached is an example of a review sheet that may
be used.
Time Clock - You will be responsible to clock your time in the computer using the identification number assigned
to you. The number assigned is confidential and must not be shared with anyone. It will be your responsibility
when you check out from your last shift of a pay period to view your time and check the box if it is correct. By
checking the boxes, you certify that the services actually were rendered; that the time recorded is correct and
This form will be kept on file to document your acknowledgement of the aforementioned information.
I have read and understand the above information.
Operator signature Date
Print Name
Manager Date
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