When Should You Use This Form?
Use this form when:
• you're changing schools,
• you're changing your educational, professional, vocational goal,
• you left your program due to unsatisfactory attendance, progress, or conduct; and you're now reentering the same program, or
• you were receiving VA education benefits as a veteran and now wish to receive benefits while on active military duty.
Most items on this form are self-explanatory. Here is additional information on certain items.
Item #4A: Here are some examples of what we mean by "goals":
• Educational goal: GED certificate, high school diploma, bachelor's degree, master's degree, Ph.D
• Professional goal: lawyer, physician, teacher, physical therapist, medical technologist, medical records librarian, stenographer,
machinist, electronic technician, X-ray technician, radio and
• Vocational goal: TV service technician, automobile mechanic, practical nurse.
Item #5: The Department of Treasury requires all Federal benefit payments be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT), also called
direct deposit (Direct Deposit is not available for Chapter 32 recipients.) Please attach a voided personal check or deposit slip or
provide the information requested below to enroll in direct deposit. If you do not have a bank account, you must receive your
payment through Direct Express Debit MasterCard. To request a Direct Express Debit MasterCard you must apply at
www.usdirectexpress.com or by telephone at 1-800-333-1795. If you elect not to enroll, you must contact representatives handling
waiver requests for the Department of Treasury at 1-888-224-2950. They will address any questions or concerns you may have and
encourage your participation in EFT.
Item #6: Provide your dependents' information only if you have military service before January 1, 1977 (or delayed entry before
January 2, 1978).
Item #6A: IMPORTANT: If you are certifying that you are married for the purpose of VA benefits, your marriage must be
recognized by the place where you and/or your spouse resided at the time of marriage, or where you and/or your spouse resided when
you filed your claim (or a later date when you become eligible for benefits) (38 U.S.C. § 103(c)). Additional guidance on when VA
recognizes marriages is available at http://www.va.gov/opa/marriage/.
Items #11A and 11B: Make sure you sign and date these items. If you are currently on active duty, have your Education Service
Officer sign and date Items 11A and 11B.
(A) If you have selected a school or training establishment,
Step1: Mail the completed form to the VA Regional Processing Office in the region of that school's or establishment's physical
address. Determine the correct office from the list on page 4.
Step 2: Notify the veterans certifying official at your school or training establishment that you have applied for VA education
benefits. Ask him or her to submit your enrollment information using VA Form 22-1999, Enrollment Certification, or its electronic
Step 3: Wait for VA to process your application and notify you of our decision concerning your continued eligibility for educational
(B) If you have not selected a school or training establishment,
Step 1: Mail the completed form to the VA Regional Processing Office in the region of your home address. Determine the correct
office from the list on page 4.
Step 2: Wait for VA to process your application and notify you of our decision concerning your continued eligibility for
educational assistance.
If You Need Help
If you need help in completing this form, you can contact us through our home page on the Internet. Our website is:
. Click on the "Contact Us" tab and then the "Ask a Question" tab. Or you may call us toll free at 1-888-
GI-BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551.) If you use the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), the Federal Relay number is 711.
Please call 1-800-827-1000 if you want a VA counselor to help you in planning your program.
VA FORM 22-1995, DEC 2016
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