Specifying the sort sequence is accomplished using a table format on the Form. The left most column of
the table lists the most common sequences requested, Alpha (last name, first name, middle name/initial)
and ZIP Code (9-digit); Other is listed to accommodate requester specification of sort keys, for example,
class and major. The remaining columns are for each of the possible requested outputs from the "Output
Desired (Mark ALL that apply)" section of the Form; the output names are shown in the top cells of each
of these columns. Note that in some cases two types of output are listed in one column; this is because
most of the time both output types shown in one column will not be requested on the same request. The
right-most column has no output type in the top cell; this cell may be filled in by the requester when
additional output space is needed, for example, if both a list and a directory are requested, the sort
sequence for the list could be specified in the "List/Directory" column and the right-most column could be
used to specify the sort sequence for the directory.
The details of specifying the sort sequence for each type of output are given in the following paragraphs.
No method for specifying the sort sequence of a SIS Mailmerge Address File is provided because any
sort sequence desired can be performed during the merge process in Word For Windows 6.0; however,
the SIS Mailmerge Address File will normally be provided in last name, first name, middle
name(s)/initial(s) alphabetic sequence. Acrobat File is also not shown because it is just the electronic
version of a report or list.
List/Directory: use this column to specify the sort sequence for list or directory output. Place the
digit "1" in the cell corresponding to primary ("1st choice") sort key desired. Place the digit "2" in
the cell corresponding to the secondary ("2nd choice") sort key desired, if any. Place the digit "3"
in the cell corresponding to the tertiary ("3rd choice") sort key desired, if any. Continue specifying
sort keys sequentially as needed. Note that once you have specified a unique sort key, that is, a
key that should not be the same for any two selected students, you do not need to specify
additional sort keys; an example of a unique sort key is Alpha (Name) because it is not likely that
any two students will have exactly the same last name, first name, and middle name(s)/initial(s).
Labels/DAP Files: use this column to specify the sort sequence for label or DAP file output.
Place the digit "1" in the cell corresponding to primary ("1st choice") sort key desired. Place the
digit "2" in the cell corresponding to the secondary ("2nd choice") sort key desired, if any. Place
the digit "3" in the cell corresponding to the tertiary ("3rd choice") sort key desired, if any.
Continue specifying sort keys sequentially as needed. Note that once you have specified a
unique sort key, that is, a key that should not be the same for any two selected students, you do
not need to specify additional sort keys; an example of a unique sort key is Alpha (Name)
because it is not likely that any two students will have exactly the same last name, first name, and
middle name(s)/initial(s).
Custom Data File: use this column to specify the sort sequence for custom data file output.
Place the digit "1" in the cell corresponding to primary ("1st choice") sort key desired. Place the
digit "2" in the cell corresponding to the secondary ("2nd choice") sort key desired, if any. Place
the digit "3" in the cell corresponding to the tertiary ("3rd choice") sort key desired, if any.
Continue specifying sort keys sequentially as needed. Note that once you have specified a
unique sort key, that is, a key that should not be the same for any two selected students, you do
not need to specify additional sort keys; an example of a unique sort key is Alpha (Name)
because it is not likely that any two students will have exactly the same last name, first name, and
middle name(s)/initial(s).
Other specifications/requirements not covered above (attach samples or additional sheets if
needed): use this section to provide additional requirements that can not be specified in the earlier
sections of the Form. Attachment of sample reports from prior requests, copies of prior Forms for
same/similar output, or additional pages that aid in clarifying needs are encouraged.