Arizona 811
UtiliSphere Setup Questionnaire
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28. Are there any keywords you would want to search for within the text of a ticket after it has arrived? (This can be useful to assign
all Boring/Explosive tickets to a specific individual; use the word pool to help process No Conflicts faster; or search for other items on
the ticket.) Yes No If so, please list them:
29. The system is capable of auto-assignment of tickets to a specific locator or folder based on criteria such as Responsibility Areas,
Service Area, Keyword, or even TRSQ/Quarter Section. Responsibility Areas can be set up by submitting SHP files to Arizona 811 with
each of your locate areas defined separately. Please note these areas can also be drawn in the system. If you would like your notices
automatically assigned to specific locators or folders, please list them below:
Joe Locator TRSQ - Anything North of Main Ave
Ticket Management Information
30. The UtiliSphere system uses screens to display information about the tickets for which you have searched. There are some pre-
defined screens that will help you with most of what you need, but you might have special requirements that are not currently listed
on these screens. What specific information, if any, would you want to see, or sort by, as you are viewing a list of tickets if you are
able to?
31. The UtiliSphere system also uses Filters and Groups to help define which tickets will be displayed. For example, let’s say you had
6 locators and each wanted to use the filters for Open Tickets, Tickets Due Tomorrow, and Today’s Tickets, but only want to see their
tickets and only their filters, Arizona 811 can set it up so that each locator/folder is assigned to its own grouping of filters. Filters
could be set up as shared among all of the groups as well. Each person still has the ability to see all of the filters and tickets,
regardless of permissions. Based on this information, do you feel you would like to use Filter Groups or Filters by
32. Would you normally be working on tickets that are due tomorrow or due today?
33. Please list, if any, special filters that you would like to see in your site (i.e. tickets due tomorrow):
Other Information
34. Please list any items here that need to be expanded upon or questions that might not have been covered already in this
35. When would you be interested in receiving training and going live with the UtiliSphere System? Arizona 811 recommends that
the training be within a few days of your actual ‘go-live’ date.
Available Training Dates:
Requested Go-Live Date: