June'2017' Page'1'
Upward Bound Program Application
Section II
(To be completed by Guidance Counselor)
This form is for the use of schools referring students to the Lincoln University Upward Bound
Program. Please answer all questions and forward completed application to:
Upward Bound Program
Lincoln University
1570 Baltimore Pike
Lincoln University, PA 19352-0999
1. Applicant:____________________________________________________________
Last Name First Name Middle Name
2. High School:__________________________________________Grade:____________
City:___________________________State:________Zip Code + 4:________________
3. Is the applicant a participant in any other TRIO program (ex: Upward Bound Math
Science, Talent Search)?
4. If your position is other than a guidance counselor, please indicate your position and
relationship/general involvement with this student.
5. Is the applicant’s home in an urban or rural area?
6. One of the most important requirements for this program is that each student have
significant potential for academic/personal growth. It is desirable that the student feel
that one of the conditions of his future development is a post-secondary education,
whether or not his/her talents and interests center ultimately in academic pursuits. Any
data which will help us estimate this potential in prospective students is relevant. In
answering the following questions, please feel free to add any such information.