Thank you for your support of Lincoln University, the nation’s first degree-granting Historically Black College & University
(HBCU). Complete this form to donate to Lincoln University via empl
oyee payroll deduction.
Title* R Mr. R Mrs. R Ms. R Dr. R Other____________________________________________________
First Name* _________________________________________ Last Name* _____________________________________________
Name as it should appear in publications R Donor wishes to remain anon
Street Address* _______________________________________________________________________________________________
* ______________________________________________________ State* _____________ Zip* _________________________
Home Phone* ______________________________________________ Cell Phone _______________________________________
Email* ____________________________________________________ Class Year(for Lincoln alumni) ______________________
Organizational Affiliation(s) (e.g. Greek) __________________________________________________________________________
Major (for Lincoln alumni) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Advanced Degree(s)/Instit
utions (for Lincoln alumni) _______________________________________________________________
Current Employer Lincoln University
Your relationship to us (Check all that apply)
R Student R Alumnus/a R Parent R Faculty R Staff R Friend R Other____________________________
Gift Designation* ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Amount* R $1,000 R $500 R $250 R $100 R $50 R $25 R $10 R Other______________________
Deduction Type R Payroll Deduction Start D
ate* _____________________________
Current Lincoln University Employee
Payroll Deduction Form
Complete this form online at
Hourly employees: payroll deduction will take effect on the specified start date, or on the next pay day after the specified start
date, whichever is in agreement with the pay period.
Salaried employees: payroll deduction will take effect on the last business day of each month after the specified start date.
To make changes in your payroll deduction after submitting this form, notify the Division of Institutional Advancement in
writing via email
to or by printed letter 1570 Baltimore Pike, Lincoln University, PA 19352.
All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
* Required field