1. PAGE – Enter the page number.
2. DATE - Enter the current date.
3. FROM - Print name of individual storing records. Also, enter department name,
building/room number and telephone extension.
4. SHELF NO. - Leave blank. These numbers (shelf locations) will be assigned by
records center staff.
5. BOX NO. - Enter the box number (carton number from label).
6. RECORD SERIES TITLE - Enter the record series title as shown on the records
schedule. If you want to further describe the record series use additional lines
underneath the title.
7. INCL. DATES – Enter the inclusive dates for the records in the box.
8. SCHEDULE/ITEM NO. - Enter the schedule and item number from the records
schedule. The schedule number will either be GS1-S or GS5. The item number is
listed adjacent to the record series title in the records schedule.
The items at the bottom of the page are completed by records center staff.
Send the completed transmittal form to UWF Records Management, building 48. Records will be
picked up and transported to the storage facility by Records Management staff upon receipt and
review of the transmittal. A copy of the transmittal form will be returned to the department once
records are stored.
Page ____of_____
Date: ___________________________
From: __________________________________________________________
_ Department Contact's Name (Please Print)
Department Name Bldg/Rm Extension
The records listed below should be stored in Records Storage Facility until their respective dates
for destruction in accordance with their Retention Schedule as indicated.
Inclusive Schedule/
Shelf No. Box No. Record Series Title Dates Item No.
Date Stored: ______________________________
Stored By: ______________________________
Accession No: ______________________________