Employee vs. Independent Contractor Determination Questionnaire – Revised 08/02/2016 Page 3 of 3
Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi
429 Mississippi Street, Jackson, MS 39201-1005 800.444.7377 601.359.3589 601.359.6707, fax www.pers.ms.gov
Questions for the Worker
1. Do you currently, or do you plan to, work for any other PERS-covered employers while you are concurrently working for this employer? .... Yes No
If yes, list those covered employers and whether you work (will work) as an employee or independent contractor. If needed, continue listing on a
separate sheet of paper and attach.
Employer: _____________________________________________________________________________ Employee Independent Contractor
Employer: _____________________________________________________________________________ Employee Independent Contractor
Employer: _____________________________________________________________________________ Employee Independent Contractor
Employer: _____________________________________________________________________________ Employee Independent Contractor
2. Do you concurrently perform substantially similar services for more than one employer? .......................................................................... Yes No
If yes, list the other employers and services performed on a separate sheet and attach to this form.
3. Do you advertise your services? ........................................................................................................................................................................... Yes No
If yes, attach examples of advertising and list advertising media used.
4. Have you performed services for this employer previously? ........................................................................................................................ Yes No
If yes, list capacity of services (e.g., position, title, job duties, etc.) and whether you were employed as an employee of this employer during this time.
Capacity: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Not an Employee
Capacity: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Not an Employee
Capacity: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Not an Employee
Capacity: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Not an Employee
5. Does the employer have the right to control, supervise, or direct your performance of the services? ........................................................... Yes No
6. Check one of the following:
I am a PERS retiree and I did not have a prearranged agreement prior to my retirement that I would return to work in any capacity after retirement
with an employer participating in PERS.
I am a PERS retiree and I did have a prearranged agreement prior to my retirement that I would return to work in some capacity after retirement
with an employer participating in PERS.
I am not a PERS retiree.
If I did have a prearranged agreement prior to my retirement to return to work after retirement with an employer participating in PERS, I have fully
disclosed in writing to PERS the details of that agreement. I understand that any prearranged agreement could result in the voiding of my retirement
I understand that I have a duty now and in the future to disclose in writing to PERS my employment in any capacity with an employer participating in
PERS and whether I have accepted employment under a personal services contract (including as an independent contractor) with an employer
participating in PERS.
I understand that I have a duty now and in the future to disclose in writing to PERS if I have accepted employment with a private leasing company,
temporary staffing agency, or any other such company where employment means I will be performing work for an employer participating in PERS.
I further understand that any person who makes a false statement or shall falsify or permit to be falsified any record of a retirement plan administered by
PERS in an attempt to defraud the plan may be subject to criminal prosecution. With that understanding, I certify that the above information is true and
Worker’s Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date mm/dd/ccyy:_____________________________________
To Be Completed by PERS
After thorough review of the provided information and attachments and for purposes of employment with a PERS-covered employer, the individual listed by
name on page 1 of this questionnaire has been determined to be an: ..................................................................... Employee Independent Contractor
PERS Reviewer’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date mm/dd/ccyy:_____________________________________