Application for Coverage Mississippi State and School Employees’ Health Insurance Plan Health1 (1/17)
Section A: Enrollee Information (all fields are required)
Secondary Telephone Number
Single Married
Male Female
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Date of Employment/Retirement
Were you ever a full-time employee of a covered entity under the Plan prior to 1/1/2006? No (Horizon) Yes (Legacy)
If yes, please list your most recent (pre-1/1/06) employer and dates of employment: ________________________________________________________
If married, is your spouse a Plan participant? Yes No If yes, Spouse Name and SSN: ________________________________________________
Section B: Health Insurance Membership Agreement Authorization (CHECK ONLY ONE BOX, SIGN AND DATE)
I hereby apply to ADD, CONTINUE AND/OR CHANGE COVERAGE for myself and/or my dependents named on this Application For
Coverage form through the State and School Employees' Health Insurance Plan (PLAN). I certify that all information provided by me on this
application is complete and accurate, and is the basis for providing coverage herein. I understand that any misrepresentation by me or my
dependents may result in the cancellation of my/our coverage under the PLAN. I understand that the coverage applied for is subject to all
exclusions, provisions, and limitations set forth by the Plan Document. I agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the PLAN. I understand
and agree that if my application for coverage is approved, any requested coverage changes will be effective the date fixed by the PLAN or
its Administrator. I understand that if the requested coverage is approved, I am responsible for payment of the appropriate premiums and
hereby authorize for such payments to be payroll deducted, or as appropriate, withheld from my State of Mississippi retirement benefits.
I hereby WAIVE COVERAGE in the State and School Employees’ Health Insurance Plan. I have been offered coverage (or am eligible for
continuation of coverage) through the PLAN, but I elect not to be covered. I understand that by waiving coverage at this time, I may only
request coverage for myself or myself and eligible dependents at an Open Enrollment Period or during a Special Enrollment Period. I understand
that if I am a retiree and I waive coverage, I will not be allowed to re-enroll or have my coverage reinstated at a later date. If you are waiving
coverage because you are currently covered under another health insurance policy, please complete Section D.
Enrollee Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________
Section C: Coverage
Enrollee Type:
Employee - Legacy
Employee - Horizon
Surviving Spouse
Coverage Type:
Enrollee Only
Enrollee + Spouse
Enrollee + Child
Enrollee + Children
Enrollee + Spouse & Child(ren)
Coverage Option:
(Choose Only One)
Do you have Medicare? Yes No
Medicare Number: ___________________________
” Effective Date: _________________________
“B” Effective Date: _________________________
Reason for Entitlement:
Age ESRD Disability
Are you a tobacco user? Yes No If yes, are you interested in participating in the Plan’s free cessation program? Yes No
Section D: Other Coverage Information
Do any of the persons listed on this application have other health insurance coverage? Yes No
If yes, please provide the following:
Name of Individual Covered: 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 3.______________________ 4.___________________
Policyholder’s Name: _______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
Policyholder’s Date of Birth: _______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
Policyholder’s Insurance
Effective Date: _______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
Policy Number: _______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
Policyholder’s Employment
Insurance Company Name _______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
address & phone #: _______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
_______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
_______________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________
Coverage Type:
Active, Retiree or COBRA
Active, Retiree or COBRA Active, Retiree or COBRA Active, Retiree or COBRA
Group Non-Group Group Non-Group Group Non-Group Group Non-Group