Getting your application right
1. Read this secon carefully before you start.
2. Fill in all relevant secons of the form. Please write in CAPITALS using BLACK INK.
3. Don’t forget to give us your photo in electronic format.
4. Email your completed form and supporng documents to or upload them using the on‐line
applicaon form in our website. Remember that you may be required to submit the hard copies of your documents.
If you need extra copies of the paper form, you can download them from our website.
Note: General Data Protecon Regulaon (GDPR) ‐ The informaon contained in this applicaon will be used for the purpose
of processing your applicaon and, if you are admied, will form the basis of your student record.
Filling in the form
General Instructions
You may find here instrucons on how to fill in the various secons of the applicaon form. Not all secons have specific
instrucons, as most of them are self‐explanatory. Please find below the ones tha
t need your aenon.
Undergraduate Applicaon Form I 1
Personal details
Please give your name as it appears on your passport or ID Card. If your forename and family name are not clear, your applicaon
could be delayed.
Contact details
The College will address all correspondence through the address provided in Secon B. It is essenal that the College is nofied of
any change of address/email at the earliest opportunity.
Programme of study details
Please indicate the mode of aendance by which you wish to study (e.g. 3 years, 4 years).
Funding details
In order to be informed about tuion fees, you may contact the College directly.
Previous education
Our minimum entry requirements are listed in our prospectus and on our website. If you are not sure your qualificaons are
suitable, contact the Admissions Office before you apply. Applicants are strongly encouraged to supply addional informaon to
support their applicaon. Please use this secon to include this informaon, and connue on a separate sheet if necessary.
English language details
We use the informa
on you give us to decide whether or not you meet the English language requirements for your chosen course.
A list of the English language qualificaons and the minimum grades we accept can be found on our website. If you don’t have one
of the qualificaons listed, we may offer you a place on the condion that you submit an acceptable language cerficate before
the commencement of the course.
All applicants should aach copies of the results of any English language examinaons undertaken (please check our admissions
requirements). Please include results of any examinaons undertaken during any on going studies (e.g. year 1 or year 2 results of
a current degree course). CITY’s reference code for the TOEFL test is 7234. All copies of English language qualificaons should
be cerfied.
It’s important that you send your supporng documents with your completed form. We may not be able to process your applicaon
without them. If for any reason you can’t send your documents with your form, use the checklist in secon K to let us know when we
can expect them. It’s especially important to send copies of transcripts and cerficates of your qualificaons as soon as possible.
You can scan your documents and send them by e‐mail to:
Make sure you put your full name and the course you’re applying for at the top of the e‐mail. Remember, if you are offered a place,
you may be required to bring the original documents with you when you register.
Most undergraduate courses have no deadline for applicaons, unless you’re applying for a specific scholarship. However, entry to all courses is
compeve. To increase your chance of an offer, you should apply as early as possible. Applying early gives you more chances to be accepted.