Troop Disband/Merge Packet
form #133 • 10/18 • page 1 of 4
Please fill out all information completely. Incomplete or missing items will delay
finalizing disband. Save a copy for your records before submitting.
Email: Mail: Girl Scouts OSW, Attn: Troop Disband, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219
To Begin the Troop Disband/Merge Process:
1. Notify all current members and their parents/guardians that the troop:
a. will no longer be continuing, and confirm the final meeting date. Share the ways that their girl can still
participate in Girl Scouts, such as with a different troop or as an individually registered member in
council-sponsored program activities.
b. will be merging with another troop and when these changes will take place. Confirm the new meeting
date and time and when you will start.
2. Communicate disband or merge plans with your service unit.
3. Email and include the following:
Service unit and troop number
Date the troop will no longer be active
Person responsible for submitting the forms
What can you do with remaining troop funds?
As a troop, decisions on spending and/or donating the remaining funds of a disbanding troop must always be girl-
led appropriate to grade level. The group may decide to spend funds on a final Girl Scout activity or trip, a Girl Scout
program, or make a donation to their service unit, another troop, established charity or nonprofit of their choice.
If the troop does not spend all funds, a portion of the remaining funds can follow girls to the new troop they have
No amount of remaining funds may be given directly to girls, parents or guardians. This includes any form of
cash, check or cash equivalents such as a gift cards.
All transactions and any use of troop funds must be finished prior to disbanding, while the girls and
volunteers have current memberships.
Any remaining funds at time of disband must be submitted to GSOSW.
What happens to troop funds submitted to GSOSW?
If a troop re-forms within a year from disbanding, remaining funds may be restored to the troop. A request for
the funds for returning girls’ use can be submitted to
If a girl from a disbanded group rejoins Girl Scouts within one year, a portion of the disbanded groups funds
may be requested to be transferred to her new group. A request for a transfer of funds from her new group
leader is to be submitted to
Any portion of the disbanded groups funds remaining after one year will be used to benefit other Girl Scouts
through financial assistance.
Submitting Paperwork
See page 4 for detailed instructions on how to submit this packet.
Questions? Contact
Troop Disband/Merge Packet
form #133 • 10/18 • page 2 of 4
Please fill out all information completely. Incomplete or missing items will delay
finalizing disband. Save a copy for your records before submitting.
Email: Mail: Girl Scouts OSW, Attn: Troop Disband, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219
Service Unit #: _________________________ Troop #: _________________________________________________
Please provide the following information for the individual completing the Troop Disband/Merge Packet:
_______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________
List troop leaders:
________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
Select One:
Disband - Reason for disband: Ambassador troop bridging to adult Girls werent interested anymore
Lack of volunteer leadership Initiated by the council Other (please explain below):
Merge - Merging with troop/group: _____________________
Steps (check off as completed):
1. As soon as the decision has been made to disband or merge the troop you need to:
 Notify all parents/guardians.
 Notify the service unit treasurer or service unit manager that the troop is disbanding or merging and when.
 Email so staff know the troop is disbanding or merging.
 Have girls decide by vote how remaining troop funds will be used and/or donated.
2. All disbanding or merging troops/groups must close their bank account and submit the following items
within 30 days of last meeting.
 Completed Troop Disband/Merging Packet (form #133).
 Detailed Bank Account Activity Record (form #107) or other financial tracking tool.
 Final bank statement or bank closing summary showing that the account has been closed.
3. Final allocation of troop funds (select one):
 Disband: Submit a cashier’s check for remaining funds $____________ to GSOSW. Make payable to
‘Girl Scouts’ with the troop number listed in the note section of the check.
Merge: Submit a cashier’s check for remaining funds $____________ to the continuing troop. Make payable
to the troop receiving the funds.
 No remaining funds.
4. Make sure to:
 Destroy troop account debit cards.
 Shred any remaining checks.
 Offer remaining troop equipment and supplies to the service unit or other troops.
Retain all financial records for three years.
Email: Mail: Girl Scouts OSW, Attn: Troop Disband, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219
Disband/Merge Packet
form #133 • 10/18 • page 3 of 4
Final Troop Financial Report
Service Unit #: _________ Troop #: ______________ Covers period from: _________________ to: ________________
(month/day/year) (month/day/year)
Name of bank: _____________________________________ Bank Account #: __________________________________
Income and Expenses
Date account closed: ________________ Account balance on closing $: _____________
Troop Signatures:
First Bank Signer Name & Signature: ______________________________ ____________________________ Date: _____________
(Print Name) (Sign)
Second Bank Signer Name & Signature: ___________________________ ____________________________ Date: _____________
(Print Name) (Sign)
Troop Leader’s Name & Signature: ________________________________ ____________________________ Date: _____________
(Print Name) (Sign)
Income Source Expenses
Previous balance
(should match balance from previous year-end)
$ 1 GSUSA membership dues paid $
2 GSUSA membership dues collected $ 2 Bank charges $
3 Troop dues collected $ 3 Program materials/snacks/crafts $
Fall Product Program profits
(nuts, candy, magazines)
$ 4
(patches, badges, pins)
Girl Scout Cookie Program profits
(should match eBudde balance)
$ 5
Program activities (council-sponsored programs,
service unit events, day/overnight trips, etc.)
6 Other money-earning profits $ 6 Service projects $
(cookie booth donations, etc.)
$ 7
Transfer to Troop #: _________________
Cookie/Nut Credit reimbursements
requested from the council, see form #238)
$ 8 $
9 $ 9 $
10 $ 10 $
11 $ 11 $
Total Income $ Total Expenses $
Total Income - Total Expenses = End of Year Balance
Final bank statement balance $
Difference $
Email: Mail: Girl Scouts OSW, Attn: Troop Disband, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219
Disband/Merge Packet
form #133 • 10/18 • page 4 of 4
Using your troop roster, list all current girl and adult members and select the appropriate box for placement.
IRM: Individually registered member still active but doesnt want a new troop.
Wants New Troop: Girl/adult will be contacted for help in looking for another available troop.
Transfer to Troop#: Placement into new troop will be confirmed.
No Longer Active: Girl/adult does not plan to participate further.
Adult Position: If continuing with new troop select: TL (leader) TR (treasurer), TH (helper), TPM (product manager) or
AM (adult member).
Number of all registered adults in troop:
____________ Number of all registered girls: ____________
Submitting Paperwork
Submit this Troop Disband/Merge Packet (form #133) to Keep a copy of all paperwork for
your records for three (3) years. If there are remaining troop funds:
For Disband: Close the troop/group bank account and mail the balance as a cashier’s check to:
GSOSW Disband at 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219.
For Merge: Close the troop/group bank account and transfer funds to the continuing troop. Combined troop
funds will be the property of all the girls in the continuing troop.
Questions? Email
Adult Girl Member’s Full Name IRM
Transfer to
Troop # Adult Position(s)