Girl Scout Silver Award Final Report
Please fill out using a word processing program, type, or print in black ink. If girls worked
as a team for this project, each girl must fill out a separate report. Make a copy for the Girl
Scout Silver Award Project Advisor and one for each girl to keep. Return completed form to
the GSOSW Shop, where Girl Scout Silver Award pins may be purchased. Girl Scouts OSW, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219 form #131 • 09/18 • page 1 of 2
Girl Name _________________________________________________________________ Replacement Pin
Address ______________________________________ City ________________________ State ______ ZIP _______
Phone _________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________
Age _________ Grade ______________ School _________________________________________________________
Troop/Group Advisor ____________________________________________ Troop/Group # ______________ SU ______
Troop/Group Advisor’s Phone ________________________ Email ___________________________________________
A. Complete one Girl Scout Cadette Journey
Title of Journey and date completed _________________________________________________________________
B. Girl Scout Silver Award Take Action Project
Title of Take Action Project _________________________________________________________________________
Start date (mm/dd/yy) ____________________________ Completion date (mm/dd/yy) __________________________
Silver Award Project Advisor (if other than troop/group advisor) ___________________________________________
Project Advisor’s Phone __________________ Project Advisor’s Email _____________________________________
List team members (including other Girl Scouts) and/or community members and what role they played in your
project. If you need more space, please attach extra page or write on back.
Name Role
C. Reflection Please type on a separate piece of paper if more space is needed.
1. Describe your Take Action project and why you selected the project. Girl Scouts OSW, 9620 SW Barbur Blvd., Portland, OR 97219 form #131 • 09/18 • page 2 of 2
2. What issue did your project address? Who did it benefit?
3. Outline your strengths, talents, and skills that you put into action.
4. Describe one challenge you faced during the project and how you overcame it.
5. If you worked as a part of a team explain your specific leadership role during the project.
6. List your project expenses and how you met these costs (if applicable).
Girl Scout Signature _______________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Girl Scout Silver Award Project Advisor __________________________________________________________________