Prepare for Agency Contact and Communication
Before approaching agencies for assistance, it is helpful to the agency and can quicken the necessary processes if information is readily available.
Use the questions below to facilitate gathering information and documentation.
Services may only be available to a certain age group
When is youth’s birthday?
Agency may only serve specific geographic areas of the state
Where does the youth live?
Some agencies require a formal diagnosis of a disability AND that
the identified disability be one that the agency is able to serve.
What is the disability? Make available documentation
of the diagnosis and assist the agency to recognize
how the youth’s diagnosis is one that the agency
could serve.
Challenges and Limitations
Agency may require documentation of challenges caused by the
disability and how those challenges impact the youth’s ability to
learn, work, be safe, self-care, and participate in daily life.
Document how the diagnosis or documented
disability makes employment, learning, living, etc.
difficult for the youth.
Level of Need
Agencies may prioritize those individuals considered to have the
greatest need to receive support and service before those whose
needs are determined to be less critical.
Explain how the challenges that the youth faces
create barriers that the youth is not likely to overcome
if support is not available.
Type of Need
The type of service needed by a youth may only be available
through certain agencies or providers.
Detail the type of support / service that is needed and
align the request for service with the type of service
the agency offers.
Some resources are only available to people with limited income.
Youth may not be eligible for resources or supports because their
or their family’s income is above the allowed limit.
Document the income and assets of the youth and
family (under 18 years of age), including savings.
Document expenses that the youth or family incur in
order that the youth can live or work as these may be
helpful when qualifying for a variety of assistance.
Some services or resources may be limited and require
individuals to be placed on waiting lists for specific services/
Identify the types of service of support one may need
long term, as an adult, to work, live and participate in
the community. Ask to be placed on waiting lists for
these services, even if the need seems to be years in
the future.
Youth Goals
The youth’s outcome or adult goal can help determine which
agency should provide services or if an agency should provide a
service. When contacting agencies, it is most important to have
goals and outcomes that drive a request for service.
Detail the adult outcomes that the youth seeks to
achieve. Specially discuss employment, adult learning,
living (residence) and other community participation.
Explain how the requested services/supports are
needed to achieve the desired adult goals.