Feb 2015 Form LCD-1 Page 1
This Pre-Application packet must be completed in full prior to scheduling an appointment.
In this packet is a list of documents that are REQUIRED to obtain an ABC Alcohol or Tobacco License. Once you have your paperwork together
and this packet filled out entirely, you will need to scan and email the packet and supporting documentation, so that it can be reviewed. Once it is
reviewed you will be notified of any corrections that need to be made. If no corrections are necessary, an appointment will be scheduled with
you to have your application entered into the system. The local ABC Office works with applicants BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. The day of your
appointment it is imperative that you arrive on time.
Please use the attached checklist (Form LCD-2) to assist you in gathering the necessary documents for your application. If you have any
questions, please contact your local ABC Office for assistance.
1. Applicant Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
(Individual or legal entity responsible for this license; i.e. Sole Proprietor, Corporation, Association, Partnership, LLC, LLP)
2. Doing Business As: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Location Address: ____________________________________ ___________________________ _______________ ___________
Street Address (include Suite/Building Number) City County Zip
4. Governing Jurisdiction: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________
(Where business is physically located - City or County Limits) If business is located in the county, distance to nearest city limits
5. Police Jurisdiction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Where business is physically located - City or County Limits)
6. Mailing Address: _________________________________________ ______________________ ________ ____________________
Street Address (include Suite/Building Number) City State Zip
Check if same as location address
7. Type of Ownership: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Individual, Partnership, LLP, LLC, Corporation, Association)
8. State Incorporated: _____________________________ Date Incorporated: __________________________________________
County Incorporated: ____________________________ Date of Authority to do Business in Alabama: _____________________
9. Alabama State Sales Tax ID number: _______________ 10. Federal Tax ID: ______________________
11. Have you ever legally changed your name? __________
12. Have you ever legally changed your social security number? _________
13. Please list all known Aliases and Nicknames:
(any other names you have used or currently use)
Contact Name: ___________________________________ Contact Relationship: ___________________________________
(Relationship to business)
Contact Primary Number: ___________________________ Contact Secondary Number: ______________________________
Owner Primary Number: ____________________________ Owner Secondary Number: _______________________________
Contact E-mail Address: ____________________________ Owner E-mail Address: __________________________________
Web Address: ____________________________________
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** PLEASE NOTE: It is extremely important to notify the ABC Board of any changes to the licensee’s contact information
for renewal purposes**
The following information is required for each and every person with proprietary or profit interest. If the applicant is a corporation,
Limited Liability Company, etc. please list every member/officer along with the information requested below. This does not apply to
publicly traded corporations but we will still need a list of officers/members of publicly traded companies.
14. Individual or Officer Information
Full Name: ____________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________
First Middle Last
Title: ____________________________________ Driver's License/State: __________________ _____ Expiration Date: ____________
I am: A United States Citizen A Legal Resident of the United States
Social Security Number: ______ - ______ - ______ Home Phone Number: ______________________ Date of Birth:______________
Place of Birth: _____________________________
Residence Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________ / ________ ___________________
Address (include Suite/Building Number) City State Zip
Full Name: ____________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________
First Middle Last
Title: ____________________________________ Driver's License/State: __________________ _____ Expiration Date: ____________
I am: A United States Citizen A Legal Resident of the United States
Social Security Number: ______ - ______ - ______ Home Phone Number: ______________________ Date of Birth:______________
Place of Birth: _____________________________
Residence Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________ / ________ ___________________
Address (include Suite/Building Number) City State Zip
Full Name: ____________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________
First Middle Last
Title: ____________________________________ Driver's License/State: __________________ _____ Expiration Date: ____________
I am: A United States Citizen A Legal Resident of the United States
Social Security Number: ______ - ______ - ______ Home Phone Number: ______________________ Date of Birth:______________
Place of Birth: _____________________________
Residence Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________ / ________ ___________________
Address (include Suite/Building Number) City State Zip
Full Name: ____________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________
First Middle Last
Title: ____________________________________ Driver's License/State: __________________ _____ Expiration Date: ____________
I am: A United States Citizen A Legal Resident of the United States
Social Security Number: ______ - ______ - ______ Home Phone Number: ______________________ Date of Birth:______________
Place of Birth: _____________________________
Residence Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________ / ________ ___________________
Address (include Suite/Building Number) City State Zip
Additional officers/members must be listed on a separate sheet
Feb 2015 Form LCD-1 Page 3
15. Will you be: Selling Retail Manufacturing/Importing Selling Wholesale
16. Which of the following will you sell: Wine Beer Spirits Tobacco
17. Will you sell: On-Premises Off-Premises On and Off Premises
18. Will the business be operated primarily as a package store? Yes No
19. Display square footage: _____________
20. Building dimensions square footage: __________
21. License Structure: Single Structure Shopping Center Single Level Multiple Levels
22. License Covers: Entire Structure Top Floor Bottom Floor Other
Please explain in detail:
23. Is the physical structure of your business completed (pertains to remodeling, new structures, etc)? Yes No
If no, please explain in detail:
24. Upon issuance of this license, is your business ready for the sell and/or consumption alcohol and/or tobacco? Yes No
If no, please explain in detail:
25. Has applicant complied with Financial Responsibility ABC Rules and Regulations 20-X-5-.14 regarding Liquor Liability? Yes No
Liquor Liability Expiration Date:
26. Does ABC have any pending actions against you or any member of the applying entity? Yes No
If yes, please explain in detail:
27. If a transfer, does ABC have any pending violations against the current licensee? Yes No
If yes, please explain in detail:
28. Has anyone, including the manager or applicant, had a Federal/State permit or license suspended or revoked? Yes No
If yes, please explain in detail:
29. Are the applicant(s) named above the only person(s) interested in the business sought to be licensed (ie. Silent Partner)? Yes No
If no, please explain in detail:
30. Does anyone involved with this license application have any monetary interest in any other ABC licensed/permitted establishment?
Yes No
If yes, please explain in detail:
31. Does applicant own or control, directly or indirectly, hold lien against any real or personal property which is rented, leased or used in the
conduct of business by the holder of any vinous, malt or brewed beverage, or distilled liquors permit or license issued under the authority of
this act? For example, applicant is applying for a retail beer license but also owns a property that is a licensed premise to manufacture
beer. Yes No
If yes, please provide business name and license number:
32. Is the applicant receiving, either directly or indirectly, any loan, credit, money, or the equivalent thereof, from or through a subsidiary or
affiliate or any other licensee, or from any firm, association, or corporation operating under or regulated by the authority of this act? For
example, applicant is applying for a restaurant license and borrowed money to open their business from the owner of a distillery.
Yes No
If yes, please provide business name and license number:
If the premise is to be used for on-premises service and consumption, please answer the following questions:
33. Have the requirements of Rules and Regulations 20-X-6-.02 (6) and (7) been met? Yes No
34. Service and Consumption area Square Footage: _________ (must be at least 500 sq. ft.)
35. Seating Capacity in Consumption area: ___________ (must be enough seating for a minimum of 16)
36. Does the proposed licensed premise contain a fully operational kitchen including a stove, refrigerator and sink? Yes No
37. Is the business used to habitually and principally provide food to the public? Yes No
38. Does the proposed licensed premise have a functioning sink or sanitizing area for dishes? Yes No
39. Does the proposed licensed premise have functioning restroom facilities? Yes No
40. Does the proposed licensed premise include a patio area? Yes No
Feb 2015 Form LCD-1 Page 4
41. Has any person(s) with any interest, whether as applicant, officer, member or partner been charged (whether convicted or not) with any law
violation(s) – Include DUI’s but can exclude minor traffic offenses Yes No
If yes, please explain below:
Name Violation & Date Arresting Agency Disposition
**Additional violation history on a separate sheet
Will the event be 7 days or less? Yes No
Will the event be more than 7 days but less than 30 days? Yes No
Event Start Date____________ Event End Date_____________
Description of special event location: _____________________________________________________________________________________
(tent, city park, parking lot, etc): _________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of alcoholic beverages to be sold (Beer, wine, Liquor): ___________________________________________________________________
Other Restrictions that apply: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
031- Non-profit Private Club – Do you have a minimum of 150 members? Yes No
032- Private Club – Do you have a minimum of 100 members? Yes No
Have you met all requirements as outlined in 20-X-5-.03? Yes No
(See www.abc.alabama.gov under the legal heading)
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The Alabama ABC License must be on the premise before you can order from a distributor or sell alcoholic beverages.
Alabama ABC licenses are location specific and cannot be moved to any other location without completing a location
Your local ABC office must be notified, in writing, of any changes in ownership with-in twenty days. NO EXCEPTIONS.
No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises except that which is purchased by the ABC licensee and approved for
sale within this state.
Alabama ABC Licenses operate on a fiscal year and expire annually on September 30
. The License Renewal Period is from
June 1st through July 31st of each year. The State of Alabama does NOT pro-rate the license fee.
ABC licenses will be renewed online annually and printed by the licensee.
All ABC Licensees are required to provide a valid e-mail address in order to receive their renewal notice and other important
Any and ALL areas of an ABC licensed/permitted location is subject to inspection for compliance during their regular
business hours by any Alabama ABC License Inspectors, any Law Enforcement Agency, and any other appointed agents of
the Board.
Any ABC licensed location is enforced according to and must abide by state laws set forth by Code of Alabama 1975, Title 28,
and ABC Rules and Regulations. Both can be found on our website at www.abc.alabama.gov under the legal heading.