Temporary Telecommuting Agreement
San Jose Evergreen Community College District
Social Distancing Response to COVID 19 Pandemic
D. Telecommuting employees are required to perform their assigned work duties and be accessible
as if they are working at their District worksite during the established telecommuting Work
Schedule. Employees must be accessible during their regular scheduled hours via the manner
and technology designated by their supervisor, which may include laptop computer, mobile
phone, email, messaging application, video conferencing, instant messaging and/or text
messaging. Employees will make themselves available to attend scheduled work meetings,
trainings, and other department activities as requested or required by the Department.
During the period that Employee is temporarily telecommuting, Employee will check District-
related email, telephone, or other designated communication at least twice a day.
E. While temporarily telecommuting, employee will maintain professionalism, productivity,
performance, communication, timeliness of assignments, and responsiveness standards as if
Employee were not temporarily telecommuting. Employee remains obligated to comply with all
District (as well as the Department’s) policies and procedures.
F. Employees who have been approved to work remotely shall be responsible to create and
maintain a safe work environment. The District shall not be responsible to provide any furniture
or utility subsidy to the Employee. Employees must work with their Immediate Management
Supervisor to assess what is necessary to perform work at home while telecommuting.
G. By signing this Agreement, Employee agrees to maintain a safe and ergonomically appropriate
telecommuting worksite, and that Employee has reviewed the free Keenan Safe Colleges, online
training, “Office Ergonomics.” Upon request, the District will provide additional resources to
assist Employee in assessing and maintaining the telecommuting worksite in a safe and
ergonomically appropriate manner. Employee agrees to utilize these resources if needed. It is
the responsibility of the employee to inform their Supervisor of additional resources needed to
be ergonomically correct.
H. All work-related injuries incurred while performing work-related tasks/duties during Employee’s
work hours, and all illnesses that are job-related must be reported promptly pursuant to
Administrative Procedures 7343 - Industrial Accident and Illness Leave. Additional information
concerning SJECCD workers compensation program and process is available via the website at
https://www.sjeccd.edu/district-services/human-resources/workers-compensation .
I. Employees are prohibited from having face-to-face meetings regarding District business in their
homes. Employees shall opt to use video or phone conferencing to maintain social distancing
guidelines and personal protection.
J. Employee will continue to abide by practices, policies, and procedures for requesting sick,
vacation, and other leaves of absence.
K. If approved for a Virtual Private Network (VPN) account, an Employee is required to use a
district or college provided computer. VPN access provides users with the same level of network
access as onsite and it is vitally important to safeguard the computer, log-in credentials, data,
and private information on the screen. Alternatively, Employees working at home may request