T R A N S C R I P T R E Q U E S T F O R M E V E R G R E E N V A L L E Y C O L L E G E 3095 Yerba Buena Road San Jose, CA 95135-1598
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Today’s Date: _________/_________/_________
Last First Middle Maiden
Present Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Number of transcripts requesting: ______________
Number Street City State Zip
Last 4 SSN# or STUDENT ID__________________________ Birth Date: _______/_______/_______ Phone: _________________ E-mail: ________________________
Mo. Day Year
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________
NOTE: - This transcript includes courses taken at EVC only
- There is no charge for the first two (2) transcripts (two for EVC, two for SJCC) or first two GE or IGETC certifications:
Additional copies are $4.00 each. Make check or money order payable to: Evergreen Valley College. (fees are subject to change)
CAUTION: The portion below is to be used in a window envelope. Please neatly print in the box below the name and
address of where you wish the transcript to be sent.
Office Use Only: Rec’d by ______________________________ No. Ch. Pd. $ _________________
Requested by:
Letter In person I.D. _______________________________________________________
Transcript Information
Official transcripts of work taken at EVC are prepared by the Records Office and issued according to the regulations which follow:
A. Transcripts issued at the close of a semester or summer session:
1. Transcripts which are requested prior to the end of the semester are generally mailed 2 to 3 weeks after the final grades are
posted to all student files.
2. Requests filed after the close of the semester will be issued on a first come-first serve basis, after all other requests
(see number 1) have been issued.
B. Each transcript must include the student’s complete record at EVC. Courses taken at other institutions are not added to the EVC transcript.
C. All debts owed to the college must be cleared with the particular department before a transcript, GE, or IGETC Certification will be issued.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - Hold transcripts until
Mail transcript
Pick up transcript
Separate envelopes
All prior work at EVC
Work in progress
(see “transcript information” for work in progress)
General Education Certification
IGETC Certification: UC or CSU (Please circle one)
Number of GE or IGETC certs requested today __________
Final grades for ____________________ semester
Grade change _____________________________
semester course title
Degree is posted
CC Number: ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: ________ / _________
CREDIT CARD INFO (Visa or MasterCard)
RUSH: Processed immediately $10 Regular: 7-10 working days $4 after the first two free copies
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