LG 09.09.19 * from IGETC standards: http://icas-ca.org/standards-policies-and-procedures-manual
* The purpose of this IGETC certification of “Language Other Than English” (LOTE) is to assist students who
have acquired the knowledge of language other than English and demonstrate proficiency as outlined in
the IGETC Standards Area 10.6.
10.6 - Language Other Than English (LOTE) Exception: Only students transferring to the UC are required
to meet this area
Students must demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English equal to two years of high school
or the second level of high school instruction. Students who have satisfied the UC freshman entrance
requirement in a language other than English (LOTE) have already fulfilled this requirement.
10.6.1 - Certification of Competence in a Language Other Than English:
3.a a faculty member associated with a United States regionally accredited institution of higher
education can verify a student’s competency. The institution must provide a document on letterhead
asserting that the student has mastered proficiency in the language equivalent to two years/second
level of high school instruction.
As a college instructor who is fluent in the student’s native language you are asked to voluntarily assess
the basic language ability of this student who falls into the category listed above.
Equivalent to two (2) years of foreign language as taught in United States High Schools. Specifically the
student should have;
1. Basic vocabulary of approximately 1,000 words;
2. Basic ability to read, write and speak using the present, past (preterit) and future tenses.
Method of Evaluation:
It is suggested that the instructor give the student written material for the language being evaluated. The
material could be a magazine article, or newspaper or other written material. The instructor should ask
the student to answer questions in writing that pertain to the written material. The instructor should also
ask the student to answer questions verbally. The student needs to demonstrate basic use of present, past
(preterit) and future tenses.
1. Assessment and certification will be conducted by either (in order of preference):
a. full or part-time faculty currently teaching in the respective language department at EVC or
b. a full or part-time faculty member fluent in the reading, writing and speaking of a foreign
2. Counselor will provide the student with the attached form if he/she feels that the student fits the
criteria listed above and direct the student to the Dean of Language Arts who will provide the student
with the contact information of the appropriate instructor.
3. The instructor will make their evaluation of the student and if they determine the student has the
equivalent of at least two years of high school language ability, they will sign the form.
4. The instructor will submit the original signed form and an electronic copy to the Dean of Language
Arts along with the writing sample completed by the student as supporting documentation. The Dean
of Language Arts will forward the electronic copy to the student and the referring counselor.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Merryl Kravitz, Dean of Language Arts Date