Download this form - Fill it out - Save it - Email to triosss@easternflorida.edu
Titan Email: @titans.easternflorida.edu Day Phone:
1. Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? Yes No
2. Did you graduate with a standard high school diploma or GED? Yes No
3. Are you degree seeking with plans to transfer to a university? Yes No
4. Have you already earned a degree at another institution? Yes No
5. Did either of your parent(s) complete a Bachelor’s degree? Yes No
6. Did you complete a FAFSA application for the current academic year? Yes No
7. Did you file a U.S. tax return for the current year? Yes No
8. Are you currently enrolled in developmental math, reading or writing? Yes No
What’s next?
We review your records for eligibility and email the results to your Titan email address.
If you are approved, you can schedule an appointment for Orientation into our program!