EFSC-UCF Writing Center
Cocoa Campus
Building 12, Room 331
(321) 433-7873
Recurring Consultation Request
The EFSC-UCF Writing Center is most effective when writers make use of tutoring repeatedly over time. Recurring
consultations encourage writers and tutors to focus not merely on fixing a single piece of writing, but on developing skills for the
next writing task, and the next. Faculty may refer students to the WC for ongoing writing support outside the classroom. When
available, a referral allows a student to have a weekly appointment, on the same day, at the same time, with the same writing
consultant, for the remainder of the semester. Students will receive notes after each consultation, which they may share with
instructors at their discretion.
Instructions for Faculty:
First, complete the form below together with the student.
Instructions for Students:
Second, after completing this form with your instructor, submit to Carol Harvest or Karen Best in the Cocoa Writing Center (in
person to Room 331, Bldg. 12, or by e-mail attachment to harvestc@easternflorida.edu or bestk@easternflorida.edu. They will
work with you to set up appointments with a consultant who fits your schedule and writing needs.
Student Name: ___________________________________ E-mail: ____________________
Phone: _____________
Course name, number & section: __________________________________________________________________
2-4 specific writing concerns to work on:
Explain briefly how student will follow up with instructor about writing progress:
Faculty Name: ________________________ Dept.: _________ E-mail: ___________________________________
Phone: ____________
Writing Center Use Only
Assigned Writing Consultant: _________________________________Beginning date: ______________________
Weekly appointment day: _____________________________Weekly appointment time: _____________________
With a Referral, a Student Agrees to the Following:
Participate actively each week in a consultation with an assigned writing consultant
Bring assignments, related course materials, research, and writing to every consultation
Write, revise, and practice between consultations
Forfeit referral privileges after missing 2 appointments
Follow up periodically with instructor to discuss writing progress and to set further goals