CPED Construction Code Services
250 South 4
Street, Rm. 300
Minneapolis, MN 55415
TISH Appeal Application
The Truth in Sale of Housing Supervisor will rule on all appeals utilizing this application.
Applicant Name: _______________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Applicant Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address of subject property: ______________________________________________________________________
TISH Evaluator Name: ________________________________________________
Provide an explanation of the appeal and please be as specific as possible as to why this appeal is being submitted:
Attach all necessary information to explain the appeal.
Appeals must be submitted within five (5) days from the date of the initial inspection. The official receipt date of
the appeal is the date when all necessary information has been submitted to the city. The Truth in Sale of Housing
Supervisor shall rule on the appeal within three (3) business days of the official receipt date of the appeal. The
decision of the Truth in Sale of Housing Supervisor shall be final.
______________________________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
For office use only Initial receipt date: Date all submittals received:
Appeal Approved ______ Appeal Denied ______ By ___________________________ Date ___________________