Personal Information Form – Short-Term Rental Hosting Platforms
This form must be completed by each of the following with a copy of driver’s license or government issued
photo ID attached.
Authorized Agent/Contact Person
Owners, Partners, Directors, Officers, and Shareholders who own 25% or more of corporate stock; or
the three members who own the highest percentage of interest in the company
I. Background Information
Legal Corporate Name of Business
Trade Name of Business (DBA)
Your Name (First, Middle, Last)
Your Business Phone Number
Residential Street Address
Social Security Number (SSN) or
Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
First, middle, or last names you have ever used or been known by:
Have you held a City of Minneapolis Business License? Yes No If yes,
Type of License From To
Have you ever had a business license denied or revoked by Minneapolis or any other government entity?
Yes No If yes, explain.
Have you ever been convicted of any ordinance violation, petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor, gross
misdemeanor, or felony? This includes both civil and criminal offenses. This includes state, local, and federal
offenses. Do not include parking violations. Yes No If yes,
Offense Fine/Penalty City State Date
III. Data Privacy Advisory
The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires us to tell you the following information. As an applicant for a
Minneapolis business license, we ask for private and/or confidential information. We use this to check driving
history, criminal history, arrest records, warrant information, and other relevant records. You are not legally
required to provide this information. If you do not, we cannot complete our investigation or approve your
application. The information you provide is public and will be used by the Minneapolis Police Department,
License Inspection Unit, the Minneapolis Division of Licenses and Consumer Services, the Minneapolis City
Council, and the public. This Authorization for Release of Information will expire two years from the date you