THE UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAY - Office of the Registrar
(Submit before enrolling in the course)
Name: _____________________________________ Name of institution where course(s) will be taken:
Student ID:__________________________________ ________________________________________
Email:______________________________________ Address: _________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________ ________________________________________
Major(s):____________________________________ ________________________________________
Adviser: ____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________
Select term when course(s) will be taken (one term only): ☐ Fall 20____ ☐ Spring 20____ ☐ Summer 20____
Approval will be limited to the term for which approval is requested.
1. Within six months of completing the transient course work, the applicant must request an official transcript be
sent directly to the Office of the Registrar at the University of Findlay for inclusion on the UF transcript. Failure
to submit the official transcript within six months will void this agreement.
Upon completion of course(s), request that your official transcript be sent to one of the following:
Paper Transcript: E-transcript: *
Office of the Registrar
The University of Findlay
1000 N Main St *Please do not send scanned images
Findlay, OH 45840 of transcripts as they are not official
and will not be accepted
2. Only a grade of “C” or better will be transferred. Courses with Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail grades will not be
3. Courses from a two-year institution cannot transfer to UF as upper level courses (300-/400- level).
4. No more than 62 semester hours of credit may be transferred from two-year institutions.
5. No more than 50% of the hours required in a major may be satisfied by transfer and/or transient course work.
I have read and understand the above conditions.
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Reason for taking course work elsewhere: (select all that apply)
☐ Financial
☐ Not offered at UF
☐ Institution closer to residence
☐ Other
Please provide a brief explanation:
click to sign
click to edit